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An Analysis of the Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals of Nike

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The main reason for an organization’s existence is to follow through on the mission, vision values, and goals taking into considerations all key stakeholders. However, every company has different set of stakeholders varying in power and significance. The Nike organization uses the collaborative process in functional areas identifying the key stakeholders to facilitate appropriate interactions. “In defining the company, strategic managers must identify all of the stakeholders groups and weigh their relative rights and their relative ability to affect the firm’s success” (Pearce & Robinson, 2009, p. 51). Resourcing the key stakeholders to recommend strategic action plans that support the organizational structure and facilitate the organization’s success.

The Nike mission is “to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world and if you have a body you are an athlete,”(Nike, 2010) and refers to the fact that Nike exists to supply everyone in the world with the shoes, equipment, or apparel that if anyone has a body then anyone has the potential of becoming an athlete. From the start one understands that Nike intends to merchandize to the world of athletes or people who have a body. That is a huge undertaking, which involves various set of stakeholder groups. The mission is the catalyst that drives the organization. The stakeholders have power to influence the process of accomplishing the mission, vision, values, and goals. However the stakeholders groups have varying ideas, goals, objectives, and expectations on how to accomplish the mission. “Thus claims must be reconciled in a mission statement that
resolves the competing, conflicting, and contradicting claims of stakeholders” (Pearce & Robinson, 2009, p. 51). The mission must be clear and concise with a solitary purpose that represents the firm’s goal.

Nike’s vision is “to help Nike, Incorporated and our consumers thrive in a sustainable economy where people, profit, and planet are in balance” (Nike, 2010). By integrating information from the various stakeholders groups, rethinking pass mistakes and processes will allow Nike to continue, implementing sustainable principles. This information enables Nike to make changes in the industry and in the company. Identifying challenges, brainstorming solutions, deciding and acting to evaluate, monitor, and reevaluate if the vision is in line with expectations.

Nike’s values are formed by the strategy teams who primary focus is to work repeatedly on each part of the vision, strategy, factories, environment, community people, and culture the process keeping Nike in line with working toward the goals of Nike organization. The goal for Nike is believing in the partnerships formed valuing the opportunity to work together with all stakeholders in the apparel industry and to share best practices. Nike has built a stronger relationship with the U.K. and European governments by considering legislation that will form the future of the clothing industry in areas such as recycling, environmental labeling, consumer awareness, and sustainability. Nike supports the goal of partnerships that bring solutions to enhance sustainability throughout its supply chain and helping the world. Nike’s mission, vision, values, and goals take on the responsibility living up to these stated purposes. Working together to provide inclusiveness, and diversity inventing ways for people, products and profit to thrive for the Nike organization. Creating systems that work together with partners to rethink, reshape, and analyze challenges. Each component builds upon the other to accomplish primary reasons that Nike exists, for the athlete, the planet and to profit.


Nike. (2010). Company Overview. Retrieved from
Pearce, J.A. II., & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management. Retrieved from http://classroom.phoenix.edu/afm213/secure/view-attachment.jspa?I….

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