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Initial Assessment Ctlls

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1. Understand the use of different assessment methods and the need for record keeping.

Identify different assessment methods Assessment is a term given to check that learning has occurred.

(Practical Teaching, Wilson p. 114) As she explains it can happen at any stage during the learner course. Through this progress toward their qualification the assessments have different objectives and are named differently. There are several assessment methods that we can mention, some are formal other more informal, we can start from informal ones like induction, Observation, Simulation, verbal questions, peer assessment, interview, self assessment, etc. Also we can find those which are formal like project, assignment, written questions, essays, professional discussion, written and oral test, Eassessment, etc.

Explain the use of assessment methods in different contexts, including reference to initial assessment.

Initial and diagnostic Assessments are carried out with the objective to identify skills, experience, needs, acquired knowledge, then we create a profile of the learners and it is very helpful to help as to plan appropriate sessions to meet their goals and needs (Practical Teaching, Wilson, pp. 118-119)Simple methods and strategies can be used to find information about our learners, if we were in an art class context , Kevin’s Noughts and crosses game, could be used as an Ice breaker to collect information about interpersonal skills necessaries for group work. I would say that this method could be part of a diagnostic assessment. On the other hand if we were in a primary class we could use the same method to diagnose learner’s creativity and their capability in solving problems.

Explain the need for record keeping in relation to assessment.

Record keeping is essential to assess effectively learners progress during a qualification, the teachers can plot achievement or detect weakness areas where they need to consolidate. Francis and Gould say: Assessment is one of the most important tasks of teacher. We must not forget to keep accurate records of this aspect of our work. There are a number of reasons for this which could be thought of as “internal” and “external”. (Achieving your PTLLS Award, Francis and Gould, p. 155)

They say, in an “internal “sense, we need to monitor learners’ progress, this means that it is an internal record where we can track the progress achieved by the students or we can detect areas of weakness, specially, if this is identified in the whole group, we can see how a particular topic was taught in the first instance and will allow as to redesign our lesson plans, techniques and approach to the learners on their behalf. I. Understand ways to

Explain the role of initial assessment in the learning and teaching process.

“The role of initial assessment is to identify different kinds of information from our learners when they commence a programme individual goals with with us,” (Ann Gravels and Susan Simpson, 2008). It is the start key of the learning and teaching circle. The process of IA can be learners formal or informal, doesn’t matter which method is administered, the most important is to consider his purpose and what benefit are sough and how this is followed. This is not an isolated process like an induction from which no one benefits.

Effective initial assessment is not a one off activity but the start of an ongoing informative process, the begging of a cycle of assessment, planning and reviewing (Practical Teaching, Wilson, p. 139). To be sure that learning is taking place is essential to consider what exactly the students already have in their mind at the beginning of any course, experience, aptitudes and abilities; then we can begin to plan lessons, to consider their motivations and needs and problems with enough anticipation and to have a certain guarantees that the teaching process is going to succeed, but without the “initial assessment”, the learning process can not start.

Describe different methods of initial assessment for use with learners.

Initial assessment should lead students and teachers on a right direction on a course, removing barriers, giving the learners the feeling to belong, reduce anxiety, being included and considered. It is useful to gather information, identify needs, inform about progress and ensure that legal requirements are identified, planned and implemented. Here some examples of IA. Kinaesthetic tools Simulation or Role play: Is similar to the previous one but uses a simulated activity rather than observed a natural performance. It can be used in languages courses where the students can pretend to interact with classmates in an imaginary place or situation.

Visual tools Observation: Used in practical situations when a learner demonstrates their competence (natural performance) whilst being observed by their assessor. Spoken tools Verbal questions: this tool is perfect to complement observation in order to check understanding , this question usually are informal or unprepared, the assessor can use them during an observation or to solve issues related to the learning process or to get further information from students.

Written tools Self and peer assessment: could be also a questionnaire where the students can answer with true or false, when the assessment is done, they can correct the answers with teacher’s help, they can test their level of knowledge regarding to some topic or course. Electronic tools Diagnostic screeners: These tool is commonly used in literacy and numeracy to give learners and teachers an idea of the level of knowledge acquired by the student on determinate subject or topic, for example online languages test . (Practical Teaching, Wilson, pp. 139-141)

Explain ways of planning, negotiating and recording appropriate learning goals with learners.

The learning goals can be identified through initial assessments, in this stage of the learning process is when meticulous goal planning takes place. Is essential to describe an important difference between a goal and a target. A goal is what the learner plans to achieve within a course or period of learning; a target is a smaller step to help learners achieve their goals (Practical Teaching, Wilson, p. 145).

Targets are more specific and have short terms goal which are easily achievable and give students experiences of early success; these are not randomly and should be in context, relevant where students can understand. Based on the exposed above goals and targets should refer to learners ambitions and aspirations instead of pursue teacher’s results. Learning goals are motivated for many reasons, intrinsic and extrinsic, some can be to gain qualifications, to obtain a job, update skills, social integration; to know these motivations will help us in how we negotiate with them the targets to achieve and succeed on the long term goals.

As negotiators we need to know our students very well in order to establish whether their targets will be a short, medium or long term. Also the goals have to be expressed in a written statement where the learner can understand them, keeping a copy for all the parts involved and stated in a general context between the pupil and teacher. Goals and targets , usually recorded on the ILP, are best negociated,(Practical Teaching, Wilson,p. 148). Other way to show the learner that a teacher keep a record of his targes and goals is a motivating method associated with rewarding achievement (Petty 2004: 65)

2. Understand how to use a range of communication skills and methods to communicate effectively with learners and relevant parties in own organization.

Liaise with other relevant parties of effectively meet the needs of learners.

Stakeholders in the learning process are many but all of them are important, is vital a co-operation between them to meet the students’ needs, this liaison should assure the most efficient and effective education that can possibly be provided. Who are the stakeholders? We can start with the Students which are interested on achieve some goals. The parents have the responsibility to care about the progress of their sons and share an interactive responsibility with teachers.

Teachers will help learners develop through the learning process and they (the teachers) will be responsible for deliver properly the curriculum and will liaise with parents, other teachers, employers, School staff and managers. Management team will liaise with teachers, governors, funds and body awards. Considering the following graphic we can deduct that in this communication cycle the learner is the centre of education and the teacher is the centre of the communication. TEACHERS Centre of communication

Centre of education





In the light of all above is Clear that the role of Initial assessment is the key to unveil the knowledge, needs and goals that learners bring to the course, also is an excellent tool to start with initial planning followed by reviewing, observations and assessments in order to meet students’ needs. IA gives teachers the possibility to negotiate and re-evaluate through different methods, goals and targets in which can set success in small doses and engage students into the learning process. Record keeping provides a very useful track of students progress as well as a good record to identified and overcome challenges. Stakeholders are indispensable in this learning and teaching process assuring the resources and the quality of the education.

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