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Grading System

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Awarding of grades has number of advantages over awarding of numerical marks. It considerably reduces inter and intra examiner variability in marking. It also takes care of imperfection of tools used for assessment. Statistical research in assessment techniques indicates that there is a possibility of variation of scores awarded to individuals to the extent of 5% to 15%. Putting students of similar potential in same ability bands (grades) automatically takes care of all these abbreviations in assessment techniques. Lastly, it will reduce undesired and unsound comparison of small difference of marks. Grades are better than marks.

Grades create a certain slab under which a student can be categorised. Impartiality and equality are maintained among students who fall under same category. Teachers can justify their marking in grading system. In case of marks, teachers cannot expalin the difference between 80% and 81% because it is influenced by the teacher ‘s perception especially in cse of theoretical subjects. Negative aspects: If there is a class of marks scored under which one scores the same grade, there is no distinction left between a student scoring 98 and the one scoring 91. This reduces the competition in academics and thus, efficiency level in the students. Positive aspects: Due to lack of competition, the student does not feel the burden or pressure to excel in all the subjects as usually expected by his/her parents. All students, brilliant as well as average, get to score well and be in good grades. The hypertension and depression can be evaded by the grading system.


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