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9 Things That You Think Are Not Cheating But Actually Are

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Cheating has always been the catalyst that ended relationships. It is the one thing no one accepts and, no matter how much they love someone, would break up with them, the seriousness of the relationship aside. Cheating is not just physical, mind you. Cheating is also emotional. An emotional affair is still just as damaging and lowly as a physical one, for it means having feelings for someone else and acting according to them. Over 40% and 35% of women have confessed to being involved in an emotional affair while in a relationship. Some do not even realize it until it is quite too late and they are neck deep in it. To help you with that, here are 9 actions that might not seem like cheating but actually are. 1. You and your different-gendered friend are attached by the hip There are somethings that are meant for two people only, and monogamous relationships are one of these things. Adding any other factors might be detrimental to the relationship. One such factor is an opposite-sex friend. It is normal to have an opposite-sex friend.

However, there should be some premises set when you are in a relationship. The friend become third wheel will end up being the poison that will take you down, for if you are too close to them, attraction might bloom. Attraction cannot be helped. Nonetheless, that does not mean that infidelity is the same. Cheating is a choice through and through. It does not happen without you realizing it. It is built by two people and sinking in that mud will be the beginning of the end of your relationship. 2. Virtual and real life flirting It has become easy to maintain online relationships with the multitude of social media apps available. Virtual polyamory has become very possible and common, even when one is in a real life relationship. The emergence of technology allowed strangers to get involved much more easily, and for cheating-minded people to find each other. It is normal to be flirted with, either online or offline. However, yo

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