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3 Idiots Movie Review

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3 Idiots is an entertaining comedy-drama that’s worth seeing, that’s what my one friend told me about this movie but instead of watching it I just shrugged because I thought I’ll not find it a good one. Thank God it was viewed in class so I got the chance to give it a try and yes, this movie was really worth seeing.

3 Idiots is a Bollywood comedy film about three friends — Farhan, Raju, and Rancho — who were taking up Engineering in one of the best engineering universities in India. Their journey was made even more exciting because of other interesting personalities such as Chatur, Prof. Viru and Pia. Prof. Viru (whom the students call “virus”) labelled the three friends as idiots (though they were not really idiots). Rancho was the smartest one who made his friends, Farhan and Raju, realized their true calling and encouraged them to follow their heart. The twist of the movie started during the graduation when Rancho was awarded as the “student of the year” then mysteriously disappeared in oblivion. After several years, Farhan and Raju with Chantur started a journey to find their friend.

This film was truly entertaining. There were phrases that was very catching like “Aal izz well”. That’s the phrase that Rancho tell everyone who starting to lose their hope. And I admired the song numbers specially the one with Pia, the love interest of Rancho, It’s fun, there’s also “kilig”. All the song numbers were very good and will really make you sing.

The movie was really full of emotions. There are scenes where we laughed so hard and scenes that touched my heart. I must say it’s now one of the best movies I’ve ever watched.

3 Idiots is a story of friendship, hope, aspirations and most importantly, the goodness of life. The message that the movie was trying to convey was everyone should listen to their hearts, chaseyour dreams and let the success chase you. A movie that’s full of inspirational lesson especially for students like us who sooner or later will be in the “real world”.

There were so many good things to say in this film but to summarize it, this movie was a success. Bollywood should continue to produce such film like this one.

The movie ran for almost three hours but you know what? I didn’t care at all. I absolutely loved it and I would be willing to watch it over and over again.

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