Bridge Essays

It is often said that The Mayor of Casterbridge is the best tragic novel ever written by Thomas Hardy, though not many will agree. The measure of success of a work of fiction relies on how well or poor the author has unified his story and controlled its impact. Hence …
Andrew “Andy” Bridge has dedicated his life to helping children in the foster care system who suffer from maltreatment. As a foster care child himself, Andrew was inspired to give back to the community and advocate for children in foster care. After being emancipated from the foster care system at …
Masculinity is a very important subject in the play. Arthur Miller uses the three main male characters to show masculinity, whether it’s through actions, or through words. Eddie, Marco and Rodolpho have different views on masculinity, and these change throughout the course of the play, as does their masculinity, which …
Alfieri’s opening words on events running their ‘bloody course’ prepare us for a violent and tragic finale. Miller gradually raises the tension through the entire play leading up to the climactic ending; for example the boxing scene where Eddie pretends to be teaching Rodolpho how to box but we know …
Alfieri and Atticus are both lawyers which the authors brought into the texts to highlight themes. Alfieri highlights the themes of justice, social code, social class, immigration and marriage. Atticus Finch, the lawyer in To Kill a Mockingbird, is brought into the texts to highlight racism, law, social division, prejudice …
The three poems, Wordsworth’s ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’, Blake’s ‘London’ and T. S. Eliot’s ‘Preludes’ contain many similarities but also many fundamental differences. These differences and similarities cover style, structure and language. In this piece of writing I am going to ‘Compare and Contrast the ways in which cities and city …
William Blake and William Wordsworth both lived in the 18th-19th century and both had very different views on the world even though they were both romantic composers and wrote about the same kind of things. The two poets contrast in very different ways about similar things. In these two poems …
London and Upon Westminster Bridge are two poems composed in the British industrial era. The two poems look at London from two very different places and states of mind. Blake, who wrote London, is taking a walk through the underprivileged fraction of London and documenting what he sees. His blunt …
I am going to be analysing and comparing two different poems. The first is called ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ by William Wordsworth and the other is called ‘Kensington Market,’ by Afua Cooper. We have been covering different styles of writing including poems and imagery. Upon Westminster Bridge is about the imagery …
I have chosen to compare and contrast the British Transport Holiday in London leaflet, The interview with Rachel, Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth and the opening of Bleak House by Charles Dickens. Starting with Upon Westminster Bridge, I think the purpose of the poem is to try and make …
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