Star Wars Essays

In July 2006, a debate broke out on the “Star Wars Canon” Wikipedia talk page, having largely to do with questions of authority, and who has the power to deem something ‘canon’ (i.e. elements of a fictional world deemed authentic by fans and/or creators). One side contended that only George …
Institutions can also come to replace the author entirely. For instance, on October 30, 2012, the Walt Disney Company assumed control of Lucasfilm after a $4 billion sale. Lucas stepped down as Lucasfilm president, to be replaced by Kathleen Kennedy; this move effectively stripped Lucas of much (if not all) …
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… These words are the most recognizable for people of all ages. Our parents, in 1977, were waiting for the premiere of the Star Wars episode with a huge desire. Even now this film didn’t lose its popularity and value in …
The movie The Empire Strikes Back is the fifth episode of the globally famous TV media franchise Star Wars. It has achieved the audience’s attraction and huge recognition on all the seven continents of the globe; this episode was filmed by an American movie director Irvin Keshner in 1980. It …
This film is a typical example of sci-fi, we can tell this by the use of visual codes and convention. The film is set in space and Spaceships are in conflict with each other, there are lazers being fired, robots are running around and there is a clear divide between …
As the fluorescent lights dim, a tense hush swallows the audience. Yet as the room itself darkens, the vast movie screen brightens in contrast, and the peal of a single trumpet heralds a familiar tune. “It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have …
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