Horror Essays

A word, like a smell or taste, has the capability of triggering emotions from subtle happiness to grim depression. The horrors produced by Nazi Germany in their mad attempt to exterminate Jews from Europe also produced a specific vocabulary of horror that lingers to this day. Every major conflict …
A Nightmare on Elm Street is one of the better horror movies. There are quite a few Freddy Krueger movies out there, and this movie all started in 1984, with A Nightmare on Elm Street. In 2010, there came a remake of the 1984 Nightmare on Elm Street movie. In …
Renowned horror author Stephen King is known for his humorous and macabre articles, like, “Why We Crave Horror Movies”. King uses humor, metaphors, and relates to readers on a personal level. The point that he makes in the article is that we are all a little bit insane which is …
Stephen King writes very accurately on how we, the public, desire the need “to put away our more civilized and adult penchant for analysis and to become children again” by watching a horror-themed movie. In the article Why We Crave Horror Movies, written by Stephen King and published by Playboy …
Edgar Allen Poe is renowned as one of the great suspense and horror writers of the early Americas. Labeled as a prolific poet and master of macabre literature, Poe often used the senses of touch, smell, sight, sound even taste to lure his readers in. Using descriptive language, Poe leaves …
Essay Analysis of Why We Crave Horror Movies Thesis: Stephen King never clearly states the thesis of this essay however there is enough information provided that we can infer one. We need to keep our inner lyncher at bay by feeding ourselves with small portions of demonic, bloody, violence, found in …
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