Volunteering Significantly Improve the Quality

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- Word count: 839
- Category: Improve Life Qualities Volunteering
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Order NowThe world is not a perfect place, and many people, animals, places, and communities need help. One of the communities, which I suppose need to pay more attention, is disabled children. Government can’t follow all the events and can’t help everybody; because of it volunteering programs exist. Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote goodness or improve human quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development, socialization and sometimes fun. However, there is no fun, when it comes to disabled children. A lot charitable organizations provide an opportunity to be involved in the life of sick children. In my opinion, volunteering can improve the quality of sick children’s lives and give them a chance to be part of society.
First and foremost, volunteering can impact on lives of sick children and even help them to recover. It is the words by Joe Koch, who one of the active volunteers in the world, because he spends all his retiring life to help disabled children (Santich, 2012). From my point of view, it is the best example of new step for improving others life, especially disabled children’s life. They need permanent support in these crucial moments of their life; parents can’t sometimes provide it to their kid, since disease is blow for the whole family. According to Santich (2012), Give Kids the World is a charity resort, where are volunteers from 12 to 90 and a lot people, who are religious. However, Joe is the best one as volunteer own to his personal qualities, such as open heart, kindness, positive aura, sociability and friendliness.
Firstly, these traits attract kids and help them feel more comfortable in company with volunteers. Secondly, Joe has lived a long and tough life and his own stories encourage a child to fight with illness despite everything, so it really plays significant role in the recovery of the sick. My second argument is that disabled kids are kids, who would like to live full life. Being sick is difficult for children. In addition to the physical discomfort of illness, they may feel frightened, confused and overwhelmed. In essence, kids need more than medicine to fight with disease. To my way of thinking, one of the ways to help the sick child to overcome challenges is a distraction from disease.
One volunteer, Kim Meagher, by her example, showed the importance of diversion (Meoli, 2013). She provided ill children by cognitive approach, such as scrapbooking and photography. It helps children to express their feelings and to forget about the endless procedures. Second way to support kid with disability is attitude. Human attitude to the sick child should not differ from the attitude to the other children. Little kid suffers from that he brings trouble to parents and others and can begin to be ashamed of himself, as if to hide from the world. Meagher explained that kids didn’t want to be treated like they were ill, they would like someone to come and play with them as they were normal, without pity in eyes. Therefore, volunteering doesn’t mean just attendance of disabled children, it is also deep insight that the sick kids are kids, who want to live and enjoy ordinary life. Finally, to raise the awareness of children with disabilities will help participation in entertainment activities.
All children, who are on long treatment, want holidays even more, than healthy children, who have an opportunity freely to go on concerts, performances, zoos and circuses. Moreover, they want to be part of concerts, performances and participate in sport games. Many charitable organizations have entertainment activities involving sick kids. The organization Ronald McDonald House has a mission: to generate, to found and develop programs to increase the health and quality of life, so it arranged more than three hundred events for sick children (Fritz). The children have an ability to express themselves in competitions, the opportunity to forget about un-wellness in their mind in performance, the chance to improve mood in sport games.
One must admit that, this feeling of participation in activities empowers the child and in turn has a residual effect. Thus, volunteers should create a positive environment, where children affected by diseases, can safely express their feelings about the world around them, and provide a welcome diversion from their surroundings. To draw the conclusion, I can say that although volunteering can’t save all disabled children, but volunteering can increase the quality of life of sick kids. However, this requires a lot of work to get the sick children to start to believe in themselves and reside normal life.
Fritz, J. Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Retrieved August 7, 2014 http://nonprofit.about.com/od/profiles/p/Ronald-Mcdonald-House-Charities-Rmhc.htm Meoli, J. (2013, July). Ruxton woman helps sick kids create happy memories. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-county/towson/ph-tt-mcdonald-volunteer-0703-20130702,0,4203959.story Santich, K. (2012, April). For this volunteer, Give Kids the World is a full-time job. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from