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Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

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What is communication? By definition communication is; “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.” (Merriam-Webster, 2013) Although this definition does not mention verbal, communication can be verbal, as well as non-verbal. The first principle of verbal communication is that all language has value. (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010) No one language is superior to another, and all are equally important as it a connection to people and give them identity, culturally, and spiritually. The second principle of verbal communication is; “everyone culture speaks a dialect, with unique pronunciation vocabulary, and grammar.” (Cheeseboro, O”Connor, & Rios, 2010) There are several different dialects in this country alone, not to mention around the world. For example, there is a distinctive accent between a person who lives in the United States, and people who live in England, yet English is the primary language in both countries.

The key is to listen, and to give acknowledgement that you understand, or not. If you have problems understanding one’s accent, be sensitive, and respectful when asking questions, and don’t buy into negative stereotypes. Our differences should be celebrated, and viewed as an opportunity to learn about others. “The third prnciple is to understand that words do not mean the same to all people.” (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010) In the southern United States the word “tote”, can mean to carry something, while in the northern United states people assume you are referring to a “bag”, or an “umbrella.” Therefore, it is always a good practice to refrain from using “slang”, unless you are certain the reciever understands it. The fourth principle of verbal communication is to recognize variations on how spoken language is used across culture. Words can be powerful, soothing, or provacative. Some cultures are inclined to be less verbal. For example, at the hospital where I work, when speaking to men of different cultures(especially Middle Easteners) I try limit”small talk” unless the patient initiates it, because of the cultural differences.

Many Middle Eastern men prefer to speak only to other men. The final principle is; to follow the suggestions for effective verbal communication. “Be willing to share in others words as the sender of information, say exactly what you think, feel, want, and need.” (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010) Practicing this principle helps to build repoire, establishing trust, and understanding. “Use specific language. As the sender be as clear as possible, and ask for feedback. use broad statements, when they are necessary, and be more specific when necessary. Nonverbal communication is defined as; “the transmission of a message without the use of words. It may involve any or all of the five senses.” (Mosby, 2009) I is similar to verbal communication except there are gestures for thoughts and feelings. The first principle of nonverbal communication is; “ nonverbal communication is every is present everwhere, and makes up the bulk of the messages you send.” (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010)

In a recent artlical in Psychology Today, Albert Mehrabian found that 55 percent of communication is nonverbal, 38 percent is tone of voice, and 7 percent is the actual spoken words. His study also revealed that” when verbal and nonverbal communication channels do not match, the nonverbal component determines the attitude of the sender.” (Thompson, 2013) The second principle is; “that people often do very little to learn and understand about nonverbal communication.” (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010) Throughout our education we are taught how to speak properly, and sometimes even when to speak, but not until I started working in the medical field did understand the importance of interpersonal skills, and communication. I never paid much attention to gestures unless they were strong, or offensive. In hindsight, I can think of many situations, in which I misunderstood the real meaning of what was communicated because of my failure to observe the body language of the sender. For example, a few years ago, I had an altercation with my boss, where she was making untrue accusations about my work performance, because another coworker made an untrue statement about my work ethic.

This coworker was using deflection to keep my boss from looking at her work performance. I did not have a good relationship with my boss because; I refused to complain about many of the issues at work. Because of my poor communication skills, I was almost written up for something I did not do. In reflection, I would have handled the situation much differently. The third principle of nonverbal communication is sent in advance of verbal messages. (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010) If you are in a professional setting, you should look professional. For example, I have overheard some of the comments interviewer make when they interview an applicant doesnot present the image they are looking for, it is sometimes very coloful language. You are already going to be judged on many factors beyond your control like posture, and sometimes stature, skin color, and some factors you can control like hair color, hairstyle, and facial expressions,stride, and handshake.

The fourth principle of nonverbal communication is; that most nonverbal messages are about people’s identities, their emotions, and their relationships. (Cheeseboro, O”connor, & Rios, 2010) Nonverbal communications tells other who you really are, even when you a saying something different. If someone is speaking to you, and you fold your arms in front of your body,it can be viewed by some as anti-social behavior, or that you are feeling defensive about the message of the sender. Nonverbal communication can be beneficial to the sender and reciever and it is the most important component whether in a casual coversation with a friend, or family member, or in a professional environment. The main purpose of communication is to come to understanding, because unsderstanding brings about grace. In this life there will be many times we will have to extend grace to others. Effecrive communication allows us an avenue to do this with respect, and dignity to all. Fortunately, it can be used by everyone with proper preparation.


Cheeseboro, T., O”connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010). Communication in the Workplace. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson Educatio, Inc.

Merriam-Webster. (2013). Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Merriam-Webster online Dictionary: www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/communicationSharea

Mosby. (2009). Mosby’s Medical Dicionary. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Free Dictionary Online: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

Thompson, J. (2013). Beyond Words. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Psychology Today: www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beyond-words/201109/is-nonverbal-communication-numbers-game

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