Toulmin essay on gay marriage

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1145
- Category: Gay Gay Marriage Homosexuality Marriage
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Order NowThroughout history, a marriage has been a male and female exchanging vows, promising their lives to eachother. Never did anyone think, that gays had a right to get married, it was always considered a sin to be gay. Legal binding marriage between two homosexuals nowadays, whether it be a male and male or a female and female relationship, should not be legalized after following a long history of marriages. There are too many factors that need to be addressed when dealing with a gay marriage. My reasoning for this opinion is not because I’m homophobic, it’s just that I don’t feel that after following the bible all these years, why turn against all that has been stated and studied. Data and Evidence One factor would have to be, “what if there are children involved in the marriage?” It is said that “children are better off when raised by their biological parents.”
In a same-sex marriage, one of the parents would be biologically unrelated to the child, or by chance both. However, without both of the biological parents present, the child would be at a disadvantage compared to a child with both of his biological parents. Not trying to state that kids with two biological parents, opposed to one biological parent, has a better life, it’s just the fact that kids would be emotionally hurt without their other biological parent. Stated previously, “The purpose of marriage is procreation,” is another factor. If one of the purposes of a marriage is to procreate, legalizing gay marriages would be impossible because of the same sex marriage. This goes against the rituals of a standard marriage between a male and female. If you can’t procreate in a same sex marriage, there’s no way to keep the family name going from generation to generation like the usual American tradition. For the comfort of holding onto the family name, I’m sure that a gay marriage would upset the parents, of the male or female, taking their partners name.
Parents could possibly be happy for their children, however they could also disown their child for their decisions. Gay marriages cause an uproar not only to the people surrounding these issues, but to the ones that are physically and emotionally affected. Not only would these marriages put a strain on Americans emotionally, it would put a strain on the economy as well. “If gay people were to get married, the state or province automatically grants them about 500 benefits; the federal government gives them about 1,000 more.” About 5% of the adults of North America are gay; another 3% or so are bisexual. It is the people in these populations that would possibly enter into a same-sex marriage. A main reason as to why I feel gay marriages are looked down upon is because of the the references to it in the bible. However I understand that it is not a direct statement, saying that it is not allowed, but it is considered a sin. Every reference in the bible that connects in some way to gay occurrence, there is a negative outlook.
The great Leviticus 20:13 states that “The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have committed a detestable act, and are guilty of a capital offense.” As a person, would you feel that after reading this, it would change your decisions on gay marriage? Years ago gays were trying to hide, and cover up, nowadays they see famous figures such Rosie O’Donnell, changing the facts that gay marriages are illegal. Even though it wasn’t a law passed by her, she seemed to make it look like gay marriages are okay. If people see that gay marriages are okay in California, then there would be an over population in California of gays looking to marry. It’s not a safe issue. The Warrant Gay marriages simply “can’t happen.” The American society would suffer severely. People would constantly look at the whole gay marriage situation and feel that, “since gay marriage was passed to benefit gays, why not change such and such rules, to benefit us?” Where will society draw the line if they pass gay marriages being legalized? The kids in the relationships, in my opinion, would never have a normal life. They would never be looked at as a normal kid because of their parents being gay.
They would be severely ridiculed at school by the other kids and gawked at by everyone because of their parents. Who would want a child to have to go through that their whole life? I understand that when two people love eachother, nothing can really come between them. However would the safety of their children make a difference in their decision? Qualification When I say that I am against gay marriages, I know that from all given information that has been portrayed, that I’m not alone. A poll taken within the past week or so, revealed that “1,865 registered voters nationwide, with a margin of error of 2.3 percentage points, found that older Americans were more likely to be opposed to gay marriages,” and that “Younger voters aged 18 to 34, opposed gay marriages by a margin of 52 percent to 44 percent. Of those 65 years or older, 77 percent were opposed, compared with the 15 percent in favor.” Recently faith groups in North America have said that they “condemn homosexual behavior as a serious sin, hated by God.
We cannot reward such behavior by allowing gays and lesbians to marry.” All this just proves the point that gay marriage is a bad idea, with the opinions given by a vast amount of people from the United States Conclusion There are too many traditions that would be destroyed and would ruin the gay population as it is, if gay marriages are legalized. As stated before, I feel that the most important reason as to why gay marriages should not be permitted, is simply for children that get involved. Their parents being homosexual wouldn’t really bother the child since he or she would’ve already been raised by them; but the fact of not having a biological parent, I’m sure, would kill the child emotionally. Not only will their family life be disarrayed, they will also be ridiculed by society.
Another thing that will suffer, will be the economy. If gay marriages are legalized, that means that they will get the hundreds of benefits that a normal marriage receives, which will put a serious strain on the economy. In conclusion, I’m hoping that you get the point that I am not a homophobic, but gay marriages be permitted would change the outlook toward gays as it is. Homosexuals, I’m sure, want nothing more, than to just wanting to be happy. After marrying, I’m sure that society would try their hardest to tear them down.