The Level of Alcohol Use among Students of My School

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The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance and cooperation of a number of people. Consequently, I would like to thank GOD for giving me the strength to complete this study. I would like to thank the students of the St. Catherine High School for their massive support and valuable time spent on answering the questionnaire given. Members of my family have been a constant source of encouragement and assistance. I thank my parents for supporting me in this study. My friends were a great source of help in issuing questionnaires and collecting data. Finally, special thanks go to my aunt and teacher Mr.Williams who guided me every step of the way through this exercise.
Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented. Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol. Fermentation is used to produce many necessary items — everything from cheese to medications. Alcohol has different forms and can be used as a cleaner, an antiseptic, or a sedative. So if alcohol is a natural product, why do teens need to be concerned about drinking it? When people drink alcohol, it’s absorbed into their bloodstream. From there, it affects the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), which controls virtually all body functions. Because experts now know that the human brain is still developing during our teens, scientists are researching the effects drinking alcohol can have on the teen brain.
Statement of Problem
Topic: The level of alcohol use among students of my school. Statement of Problem: To what extent do students use alcohol in my school? Research Question:
1) What is the level of alcohol use among students of my school? 2) What factors influence students to use alcohol in my school? 3) What effects does the use of alcohol have on students? 4) What can the school administration do to minimize the use of alcohol among students in my school?
Reason for Selecting the Area of Research
The researcher has chosen the topic the level of alcohol use among students of my school firstly because the researcher thinks that alcohol is a prevailing issues which the youth are struggling with. The researcher also finds it captivating to associate with today’s youth. The researcher also notices that alcohol has a negative effect on students. The researcher therefore then decided to conduct a research to find out specific effects it has on students. In addition, the researcher has done her research and it will also allow the researcher to completely explore the issues and so the researcher will be more equipped to draw definite conclusion about the impact of alcohol use on students that she will be able to make informed recommendations and propose strategies to fix the problem.
Method of Investigation
My method of investigation is in the form of a questionnaire, which was shared randomly to students of my school. The questionnaire as a source of collecting data has a number of advantages: * Information is easy to collect.
* Information was not time consuming.
* Suitable for facts and statistics.
Dear Respondent,
I am a student of the St. Catherine High School conducting a research on the topic alcohol use among students of my school, for my CSEC social studies School Base Assessment. You are asked to fill out this questionnaire best as possible. You are not required to state your name so your identity will not be known. This is not a test so there is no right or wrong answers. Most questions has a check box like this [] and other specific instructions are supplied where necessary.
Encourage other interest and social activities
Create programmes to rehabilitate students who are already consuming alcohol
Procedures for Data Collection
In order to collect information a selective survey method was used. This instrument used was a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 15 structured questions based on the topic chosen by the researcher. A total of 30 questionnaires were prepared and distributed to students from all grade of the St. Catherine High School. I therefore decided to choose the grades by a selective survey method known as random selection. The grades were all written, each on a slip of paper. Each slip of paper was folded and placed into a box. The box was closed and shaken vigorously to ensure a through mixture of these grades. A total of 4 questionnaires were distributed to each grade 7-6 form. This number the researcher thinks is an adequate sample to represent the school’s population. Each grade was then supplied with questionnaires.
The Solution of Alcohol use among Students
Solutions| Percentages|
Counselling| 36%|
Inform students about the harmful effects of alcohol| 32%| Encourage other interest and social activities| 25%|
Create programmes to rehabilitate students who are already consuming alcohol| 7%|
(Fig.3) graph showing: the solution of alcohol use among students The table above shows the solutions of alcohol consumption.36% of the respondents indicates that counselling can help to lessen consume alcohol, 21% states that the students should be informed about the harmful effect of alcohol, 25% thinks that other interest and social activities could be encourage and 7% thinks that programmes can be implemented to rehabilitate students who are already consuming alcohol.
(Fig.4) graph showing: The effects of alcohol consumption among students. The graph above shows the effects of alcohol consumption among students. Grade thirteen (13) and grade nine (9) states that alcohol consumption among students speeds up the function of the brain. Grades seven (7), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) indicates that alcohol consumption affects their body. Grades eight (8), eleven (11) and thirteen (13) responded that alcohol consumption makes them feel sleepy. Grades seven (7), eight (8), eleven (11) and twelve (12) indicates that the use of alcohol causes them feel tipsy. From the graph above we can conclude that 7% of the respondents thinks alcohol consumption speeds up the function of the brain, 18% thinks alcohol makes them feel sleepy, 46% states that alcohol affects their body and 29% of the respondents indicates that alcohol consumption cause them to feel tipsy.
(Fig.5)Bar chart showing: The causes of alcohol consumption. Fig.5 above shows the main causes of alcohol consumption. 18% of the respondents indicates that students consume alcohol because of low-self esteem, 21% consume alcohol because of boredom, 29% thinks students consume alcohol because it’s fun and 32% consume alcohol because of peer pressure.
(Fig.6) pie chart showing: The level of alcohol consumption The graph above indicates that 68% of the respondents think that students consume alcohol occasionally, 18% thinks that students consume alcohol on a weekly basis and 14% thinks that students consume alcohol monthly.
Statement of Findings
The survey revealed the following findings is respect to the results from the research questions: 1. 68% of the respondents think that students consume alcohol occasionally. 2. 32% thinks that peer pressure is the main cause of alcohol consumption among students. 3. 46% indicates that alcohol consumption affects the body.
In order to solve these problems the following strategies can be done: * Write letters to the ministry of health and the ministry of education to implement health programmes such as intervention service to aid them. * Discuss the consequences of underage drinking with students. * Encourage the formation of peer group that helps students with finding other ways of expressing themselves other than through alcohol. * Help establish community laws and practices that make it difficult for youngsters to access alcohol.