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The Eye and Nervous System Questions

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Item 1 refers to the following diagram of a longitudinal section through the human eye

1. At what point is vision not possible?
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV

Item 2 refers to the following diagrams (I and II) representing the iris in bright and dim light respectively.

2. What causes the appearance in I and II to be different?
(A) In bright and dim light the circular and radial muscles both contract. (B) In bright and dim light both circular and radial muscles relax. (C) In dim light the circular muscles relax and radial muscles contract, and in bright light radial muscles relax and circular muscles contract. (D) In bright light the circular muscles relax and radial muscles contract, and in dimt light radial muscles relax and circular muscles contract.

Item 3 refers to the following information.
Three people labeled I to III, EACH have different eye defects(s) as stated below
I. Long eyeball
II Short eyeball, normal cornea and lens
III Normal eyeball, cataract

3. Which of the people can see distant objects without corrective lenses? (A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only

4. Which of the following types of lens will correct short sightedness?

5. Which of the following parts of the eye functions as a receptor? (A) Iris
(B) Lens
(C) Retina
(D) Optic nerve

6. The eye is sometimes referred to as an effector organ because (A) the pupil constricts in the presence of bright light
(B) the rods and cones are stimulated by light
(C) images which fall on the retina are sent to the brain
(D) neurons from the eye lead to the central nervous system

Item 7 refers to the following diagram of the eye.

7. Which of the labeled parts contains cells called rods and cones? (A) I
(B) II
(D) IV

8. Andrea leaves a brightly lit area and ventures into a dark closet. Which of the following changes occur in the eye? (A) Radial muscles of the iris contract and pupils become larger (B) Circular muscles of the iris contract and the pupils increase in size (C) Pupils decrease in size because the radial muscles in the iris relax (D) Pupils decrease in size due to the contraction of the circular muscles of the iris.

Nervous System

1. Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the pathway of the transmission of an impulse for a spinal reflex?

Item 2-3 refer to the following diagram
2. When the skin of the hand touches a hot object, the sequence of impulses flow from (A) I II III

3. The numbered structures
(A) receptor effector relay neurone
(B) receptor relay neurone effector
(C) effector relay neurone receptor
(D) effector receptor relay neurone

4. Which of the following is NOT involved in the reflex action of the body known as the knee-jerk reaction? (A) Spinal cord
(B) Motor neurone
(C) Sensory neurone
(D) Brain

5. Which of the following is NOT a distinguishing feature of the nervous system?

(A) Rapid response
(B) Localised reaction
(C) Long- lasting effect
(D) Temporary and reversible response

6. When someone sees appetizing food, saliva is often produced. Which of the following is the correct sequence for this reflex action?

(A) Receptor organ spinal cord brain
(B) Receptor organ salivary gland brain
(C) Receptor organ brain spinal cord
(D) Receptor organ spinal cord salivary gland

7. Which structure of the brain is responsible for the regulation of water content in the blood? (A) Cerebrum
(B) Cerebellum
(C) Hypothalamus
(D) Pituitary gland

8. The long process of nerve cell which conducts impulses toward a cell body is called (A) axon
(B) dendron
(C) ganglia
(D) dendrites

9. What is the correct path of travel for an impulse from the receptor to the effector in a reflex action? (A) Axon-sensory neurone-intermediate neurone- motor neurone- axon (B) Axon- motor neurone -intermediate neurone- sensory neurone – dendron (C) Dendron- motor neurone-intermediate neurone -sensory neurone – axon (D) Dendron -sensory neurone-intermediate neurone- motor neurone- axon

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