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Stop Wishing Start Doing

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Have you ever heard a saying like the secret of success: stop wishing, start doing? It is obvious that, being successful is an essential goal of most of us. Success is sometimes achievement of our desired visions and sometimes it describes our planned goals. As we are unique from any person, what we want to achieve is also different. Human choose lots of various way to achieve his goal. Some of us prefer risky opportunities while others avoid taking such risks and choose studying harder. I strongly believe that with hard work there are no limits. There are a numerous reasons which explain why I think so. First and above all, it is an undeniable fact that someone who works hard achieves his goals sooner.

Goals are your starting point. They lead you to focus your all attention on your purpose and you do not need to take around circles. A certain goal pushes you one step ahead. You are able to aware of what important points are thanks to goals. Our priorities must be achieving our goals as soon as possible. Goals are capable of stick your mind, if you have an uncompleted action yet. A person with a reasonable goal will be closer to his target; otherwise, you cannot know where to start and could not found any desire to start to hard work. Success is going to ones who are willing to work harder than anyone else. While working hard on what you aim, you understand how valuable it is. Your goal will give you wish to study. In the light of this information, it is obvious that, goals take you to success with the help of studying hard. You need to specify your aims and work through them. What you want to manage needs some effort up until you achieve. The road goes your target running from studying hard.

Another view, to my mind, hard work is most essential stage to be successful in life. It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by most essential stage. In most of our life, we come across some problems that is needed some information to be able to handle it. This information cannot be acquired by good fortune. The knowledge requires hard work. We all have to work and work again to gain what we want in life. To give an illustration, teenagers must study hard go get good marks in their exams. In the work life as well, the more you study, the more successful you will get. Success opens millions of doors to all of us. It goes without saying that, nothing can be achieved unless hard work. People usually expend most of time to handle all the responsibilities that across. Millionaires for instance, it is not easy for them to earn lots of money. They sometimes run big companies. To handle all of that two things are obligatory: patience and hard work. As far as I am concerned, the more you focused on something and take action to connect to it-studying hard for example- the more opportunities and successes will be yours at the end. I always keep that saying in my mind: behind every success he is hard work.

Last but not least, studying hard gives you results. There is no better way that brings more results than hard work. Hard working provides you a chance to what you desire. Seeing results makes you feel more confident and you satisfy what you are working on. By this means whole process becomes more enjoyable. You find the strength to study more. Do not think negative. Never doubt about yourself. Instead of this, make your plan, study step-by-step and then get results. I want to give a small example from my life; I have always wanted to do a job related to English so I love that language since my fourth grade. Since then, I started to study on it. Everybody told me that, it is so early or you cannot do it. To sum up briefly, I never listened to them and at the moment I am student at the department of translation and interpreting. Do not forget: work hard, dream big. At the end of the day, if you want to go as the crow flies, take action. To conclude, when everything is taken into consideration, the most important thing that brings success is hard work. Although there some risk takers to gain what they desire, from my points of view hard work is the door with full of opportunities. Keep this saying in your mind: the only place where success comes before work is in dictionary.

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