Roles of the youth in the environment

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1532
- Category: Environment Gender Roles Youth
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As we saw in the past, there are many more rules, laws, conventions are made for protecting the environment but there is no effective implementation . For this implementation youth play a vital role. Young people constitute a large part of the world’s population and young people will have to live longer with the consequences of current environmental decisions than will their elders. Future generations will also be affected by these decisions and the extent to which they have addressed concerns such as the depletion of resources, biodiversity loss, and long-lived radioactive wastes.
Young people can play an active role in protecting and improving the environment. They can change their lifestyle and how it affects the environment. They can make their homes, schools and youth organizations more environmentally friendly by adopting environmentally friendly practices, recycling of different materials as well as preserving resources such as water and electricity. Engaging youth in environmental protection not only creates direct impact on changing youth behaviors and attitudes, but possibly influence their parents, relatives and families.
Youth are back bone of the nation. They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nationally. They choose to spend their days doing drugs and playing video games. They spend their nights partying and living it up, so to speak. More and more young men of this age group are sitting at home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.
The environment is simply defined as our surrounding, including both living and non-living things and youth are the young people. Environmental protection is a broad subject Environmental problems are rising day by day and everyone is concerned about global warming and climate change as globally but local and national environmental problems are less concerned. Protecting the environment starts with pollution control therefore, youth can help reduce waste by paying attention to minor details in their daily lives, for example, not to take extra plastic bags when we go shopping. Actually there are many other tips for greener environment.
By applying the greening knowledge at home and schools, we can help to market city, a greener city. Discarding computers, electrical appliances and rechargeable batteries can seriously harm the environment. Youth role is to implement recycling programs for used computers and electrical appliances. You can arrange for collection services with them. There are also many collection points for recycling of rechargeable batteries, so do not simply throw them away. Youth have a role to play in environmental and conservation efforts that will improve livelihoods. Green Tips:
Going Green In House
Close the running tap water, when not needed.
Use the dishwasher, when the dishes are full. Try to avoid using it more often i.e. for each single plate. Try to be cautious in using water. Turn off taps when not used. By this way, it is estimated every home can save more than a gallon of water, which is very high when combined in a local. Turning off Lights and saving electricity as much as possible is also a way to go green. During the daytime, it is good to open windows and screens to let sunlight in and fill house with warmth. After all, sunlight is essential for body in the form of vitamin A. The local power company would be able to provide a free presentation on how to make the home a better energy efficient home.
Going Green with Recycling and Reusing
Giving away unwanted or unusable materials to free service organizations is a better way to start going green. Reusing the furniture would save some extra money spent on newer furniture. For example, one can remodel a table by adding sheets of wood to it and create his own wardrobe. Recycling paper, plastics, glass and metals could also be done by making use of the local trash pickup service. Instead of simply throwing older items, one can use his creativity in creating the essence out of them. For example, the older screen cloth could be stitched with flat sheets and made as curtains or cloth piece covering the shades of the lamp. They are easy and cheap in terms of interior decorating materials. Choosing reusable water bottles in comparison with plastic bottles every month is a nice way to avoid using plastics and reusing the water bottles. They may be expensive at the beginning, but once getting used to it, they would prove worthy providing health and hygiene besides going green.
Going Green with Transport
Carpooling or vehicle pooling is the best way to save environment from three or four times the pollution. Carpooling can be done with friends, neighbors, or relatives working in the same direction as yours, not necessarily the same company. Maintaining the vehicle regularly and providing it for service near a service station would help minimize its pollution output. Many companies have started offering the plan ‘Work while you are at home’. Enjoying this benefit not only saves green, but also enables one to spend quality time together in a family and allowing to save costs of travelling and fuel. The Three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Tips on reducing waste and conserving resources.
The three R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle – all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R’s save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills. Sitting a new landfill has become difficult and more expensive due to environmental regulations and public opposition. Missouri has a goal of reducing the amount of waste going into landfills by 40 percent. Everyone can help meet this goal and save natural resources, energy, and money by following the three R’s. REDUCE
The best way to manage waste is to not produce it. This can be done by shopping carefully and being aware of a few guidelines: Buy products in bulk. Larger, economy-size products or ones in concentrated form use less packaging and usually cost less per ounce. Avoid over-packaged goods, especially ones packed with several materials such as foil, paper, and plastic. They are difficult to recycle, plus you pay more for the package. Avoid disposable goods, such as paper plates, cups, napkins, razors, and lighters. Throwaways contribute to the problem, and cost more because they must be replaced again and again. Buy durable goods – ones that are well-built or that carry good warranties. They will last longer, save money in the long run and save landfill space. At work, make two-sided copies when ever possible.
Maintain central files rather than using several files for individuals. Use electronic mail or main bulletin board.
Remove your name from the mailing lists of materials you no longer want to receive: write to Mail Preference Service, c/o Direct Marketing Assoc., P.O. Box 90008, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.
Use a dish cloth instead of paper towels.
It makes economic and environmental sense to reuse products. Sometimes it takes creativity: Reuse products for the same purpose. Save paper and plastic bags, and repair broken appliances, furniture and toys. Reuse products in different ways. Use a coffee can to pack a lunch; use plastic microwave dinner trays as picnic dishes. Sell old clothes, appliances, toys, and furniture in garage sales or ads, or donate them to charities. Use resealable containers rather than plastic wrap.
Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of paper cups.
Reuse grocery bags or bring your own cloth bags to the store. Do not take a bag from the store unless you need one. RECYCLE
Recycling is a series of steps that takes a used material and processes, remanufactures, and sells it as a new product. Begin recycling at home and at work: Buy products made from recycled material. Look for the recycling symbol or ask store managers or salesmen. The recycling symbol means one of two things – either the product is made of recycled material, or the item can be recycled. For instance, many plastic containers have a recycling symbol with a numbered code the identifies what type of plastic resin it is made from. However, just because the container has this code does not mean it can be easily recycled locally. Check collection centers and curbside pickup services to see what they accept, and begin collecting those materials. These can include metal cans, newspapers, paper products, glass, plastics and oil. Consider purchasing recycled materials at work when purchasing material for office supply, office equipment or manufacturing. Speak to store managers and ask for products and packaging that help cut down on waste, such as recycled products and products that are not over packaged. Buy products made from material that is collected for recycling in your community. Use recycled paper for letterhead, copier paper and newsletters.