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Nursing Drug List

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1. Esomeprazole Nexium
Classification Therapeutic: antiulcer agents
Pharmacologic: proton-pump inhibitors
Route/Dosage/Time 0630, PO: 40 mg once daily 60 min. AC Breakfast. Action: Diminished accumulation of acid in the gastric lumen with lessened gastroesophageal reflux. Healing of duodenal ulcers. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: [pic]Assess patient routinely for epigastric or abdominal pain and frank or occult blood in the stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate

2. Multi-vitamin (Theragran) 1 TAB PO QD 0730
Purpose: To supply nutrients that is missing, or is not consumed in the diet. Action: Supplement a poor dietary intake of the relevant vitamins exists. Metabolized: liver Vita. A, D, E, & K (fat soluble) Vita. C and B complex (water soluble) Vita. Bs eliminated in urine. Nursing Considerations: Monitor interaction with other medications.

3. Folic Acid: (Vitamin B)
Classification: Therapeutic: antianemics
Rout/Dosage/Time: PO 1mg Tab PO Daily at breakfast 0730
Action: It works by helping the body to produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor client for weakness, fatigue, and dyspnea.

4. Lorazepam (Ativan)
Classification Therapeutic: analgesic adjuncts, antianxiety agents, sedative/hypnotics Pharmacologic: benzodiazepines
Route/Dosage/Time: PO Anxiety–2 mg Q 4hrs 0800, 1200, 1600, and 2000
** Do not give if client is difficult to arouse.
Action: Decreased anxiety
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Conduct regular assessment of continued need for treatment.

5. Metoprolol Lopresor,
Classification Therapeutic: antianginals, antihypertensives
Route/Dosage/Time: 100 mg/day 0900
Action Therapeutic Effects: Decreased blood pressure and heart rate. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: [pic]Monitor blood pressure, ECG, and pulse frequently during dose adjustment and periodically during therapy

6. Thiamine vitamin B1
Classification Therapeutic: vitamins
Route/Dosage/Time: IM Injection: 100 mg/ml daily 0900 NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Assess patient’s nutritional status prior to and throughout therapy.

PRN Medications

1. Hydrocodone/acetaminophen Lortab 5
Classification, Therapeutic: analgesic
Route/Dosage/Time: PO, 1 tab, PRN
Action: Decrease in severity of moderate pain
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: [pic]Assess blood pressure, pulse, and respirations before and periodically during administration.

2. Atropine
Classification, Therapeutic: antiarrhythmics
Route/Dosage/Time: IV, 5ml, PRN
Action: Increased heart rate. Decreased GI and respiratory secretions NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: [pic]Assess vital signs and ECG tracings frequently during IV drug therapy. Report any significant changes in heart rate or blood pressure, or increased ventricular ectopy or angina to physician promptly.

3. Glucagons
Classification, Therapeutic: hormones
Route/Dosage/Time: IM, 1 mg, PRN
Action: Therapeutic Effects: Increase in blood glucose.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: [pic]Assess for signs of hypoglycemia
(sweating, hunger, weakness, headache, dizziness, tremor, irritability, tachycardia, anxiety) prior to and periodically during therapy.

4. Glucose Chews
Route/Dosage/Time: PO, 5 gm (1 tab), PRN
Action: For mild hypoglycemia
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Assess for signs of hypoglycemia (sweating, hunger, weakness, headache, dizziness, tremor, irritability, tachycardia, anxiety) prior to and periodically during therapy. 5. Haloperidol Haldol

Classification, Therapeutic: antipsychotic
Route/Dosage/Time: IM, 2 mg, Q 1H PRN
Action: Diminished signs and symptoms of psychoses
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Assess mental status (orientation, mood, behavior) prior to and periodically during therapy.

6. Ondansetron hydrochloride (Zofran)
Classification: Antiemetic
Rout/Dosage/Time: IV, 4mg, Q 6H PRN
Action: Decreases nausea
NURSING CONSIDERATION: Assess for nausea and vomiting during and after treatment.

Pg; 350-357
Med/Dose: Methylprednsolone (Solu-Medrol) / 125mg/1ml
Route/time: IV / Q6hr 0600/ 1300 / 1800 / 0000
Classification: anti inflammatory steroidal / corticosteroids Action: Suppresses inflammation and the normal immune response Purpose: Used systemically/locally in a wide variety of chronic diseases: i.e. Inflammatory; NC: I&O; daily wt’s; check for peripheral edema, steady wt gain, rales/crackles, or dyspnea. Call Dr if these occur. Assess S&S of anaphylaxis in pt receiving high-dose therapy. ECG monitored. May cause convulsions, anaphylaxis, & arrhythmias. Resuscitation equipment, medications/trained personnel readily available.

Direct IV: Reconstitute w/provided solution (Act-O-Vials, Univials, ADD-Vantage vials) or 2 ml of bacteriostatic water (with benzyl alcohol) for injection. Max concentration 125 mg/ml. Rate: Low dose (< 1.8 mg/kg or < 125 mg/dose): Give IV push over 1 to several minutes. Moderate dose (> 2 mg/kg or 250 mg/dose): give over 15–30 min. High dose (15 mg/kg or > 500 mg/dose): give over 30 min Doses > 15 mg/kg or > 1 g give over 1 hour. Continuous Infusion: Intermittent/ can diluted further in D5W, 0.9% NaCl, or D5/0.9% NaCl and administered as intermittent or continuous infusion at prescribed rate. Max concentration 2.5 mg/ml. Solution may form a haze upon dilution. Discard unused portion after 48hrs. Metab./Excreted: Liver / excreted not specified.

Med/Dose: D5W /LR / 1000ml bag / Flow rate: 75ml/hr
Route/Time: IV / Q10hrs
Classification: Combination of dextrose & e-lytes (NaCL, Na lactate, K CL, & Ca CL) Action: Dextrose a monosaccharide, provides glucose K-cal for metabolic needs. Metabolized to CO2 & H20. The oxidation provides H20 to sustain vol & help lower excess ketone production & prevent protein loss; & E-lytes homeostasis balance Purpose: Provide K-cal, e-lytes, & water for hydration

NC: I & O, daily wt, edema, lung sounds. Assess IV site for inflammation, redness, swelling, infiltration. Metab/Excreted: partly by the liver /excreted by kidney

Pg: 279-282 www.drugguide.com
Med/Dose: Cefazolin (Ancef) / D5W // 1gm/50ml
Route/Time: IV / Q8hrs
Classification: anti-infectives (1st gen cephalosporin’s) // Dextrose Action: Bind to bacterial cell wall membrane, causing cell death // Dextrose a monosaccharide, provides glucose K-cal for metabolic needs. Metabolized to CO2 & H20. The oxidation provides H20 to sustain vol & help lower excess ketone production & prevent protein loss Purpose: perioperative prophylaxis to prevent infections

NC: Assess pt for S&S of N/V, rashes, pruritis & seizures, D/C & notify physician. Assess IV site for inflammation, redness, swelling, infiltration. Metab/Excreted: Liver/

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