Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

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Abraham Maslow introduced a very simple way of understanding the needs of a person. The Hierarchy of Needs sorts the needs of the lowest and most basic levels to the higher levels. Maslow then arises within their theory of personality, the concept of hierarchy of needs, which needs are structurally organized with varying degrees of power, according to a biological determination given by our genetic makeup as the agency human species. The hierarchy is organized so that the deficit needs are in the lower parts, while development needs are in the highest parts of the hierarchy; thus, in the order given by the power and priority, we find the deficit needs, which would be the physiological needs, safety needs, needs of love and belonging, esteem needs; and development needs, what the needs of self-actualization and transcendence needs be. Within this structure, when the needs of one level are met, a state of apathy does not occur, but the focus becomes occupied by the needs of the next level and is located on the site of the next higher hierarchy, and it is these needs that is being sought.
Maslow’s theory suggests that the lower needs are a priority, and therefore, more powerful than the higher needs in the hierarchy; Only when the person fails to satisfy the lower needs – even if it does so on, gradually enter their knowledge higher needs, and that the motivation to meet them; as the positive trend takes more important, a greater degree of psychological health and a move towards full humanization is experienced. For Maslow, the human would become fully accepting the satisfaction of the needs identified by our biological base, which would, after satisfying the trends that unite us with the rest of humanity, the idiosyncratic discover what distinguishes us from the rest human beings, discover your own tastes, talents determined by our inheritance concretizarlos – develop them – based on hard work; in Maslow’s words: … the way we’re different from other people also discover in this very personal search for identity… 1 (Frick, 1973, p.34) 1 1.
Frick, Willard B. (1973): Humanistic psychology. Buenos Aires: Guadalupe
Keywords: self-actualization1, transcendence2, humanistic psychology3. Self-actualization 1 According to humanistic theory, the realizing of one’s full potential; can include creative expression, quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge, or the desire to give to society.
Transcendence 2 superior excellence; supereminence.
Humanistic psychology 3 A psychological perspective which rose to prominence in the mid-20th century in response to psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism; this approach emphasizes an individual’s inherent drive towards self-actualization and creativity
Theory of Human Motivation.
The “Theory of Human Motivation”, proposes a hierarchy of needs and factors that motivate people; this hierarchy is modeled by identifying five categories of needs and is built considering a hierarchical ascending order according to their importance for survival and motivational skills. According to this model, half man meets their other needs arise that change or modify the behavior of the same; considering that only when a need is “reasonably” satisfied, will trigger a new need. The five categories of needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization; physiological requirements being the lowest level. Maslow also distinguishes these needs “deficit” (physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem) and “development of self” (self-realization). The distinct difference between the two is that the “deficit” refer to a lack, while the “development of self” refer to the work of the individual.
Without being exhaustive, the characterization of the hierarchy of needs proposed by Maslow is:
Physiological needs: are of biological origin and are geared towards the survival of man; are considered basic needs and include things like: need to breathe, drink water, sleep, eating, sex, shelter.
Safety needs: When the physiological needs are met in the large part, comes a second level of needs-oriented personal safety, order, stability and protection. Among these requirements are things like security, employment, income and assets, family, health and crime against personal property.
Needs of love, affection and belonging: when security needs and physiological well-being are moderately satisfied, the next class of needs contains the love, affection and belonging or membership in a particular social group and are oriented to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. In everyday life, these needs can be handled when man shows desire to marry, have a family, to be part of a community, being a member of a church or simply attending a social club.
Esteem needs: When the first three classes needs are moderately satisfied, esteem needs calls oriented self-esteem, recognition for the individual, the individual achievement and respect for others arise; to meet these needs, people feel secure about herself and valuable in a society; when these needs are not met, people feel inferior and worthless. In this regard, Maslow noted two esteem needs: a bottom that includes respect for others, the need status, fame, glory,recognition,attention, reputation, and dignity; and an upper, which determinesthe need for self-respect, including feelings as confidence, competence, achievement, mastery, independence and freedom.
Self-actualization needs: are the highest and are at the top of the hierarchy; Maslow describes self-actualization as a person’s need to be and do what the person was “born to do”, ie, is the fulfillment of personal potential through a specific activity; thus a person who is inspired to music must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet must write.
Although the research support of Maslow’s theory is still under development, the concepts developed by him, have provided a framework for positive psychology and have been used to conceptualize the policy, practice and theory in the social sciences for more than 60.
Besides the five needs described above, Maslow also identified three other categories of needs: aesthetic, cognitive and self-transcendence (Feist and Feist 2006), which led to a correction of the hierarchy of needs. The characterization of these three new needs is:
Aesthetic needs: are not universal, but at least certain groups of people in all cultures seem to be motivated by the need for external beauty and rewarding aesthetic experiences.
Cognitive needs: They are associated with the desire to know which is the vast majority of people; things like solving mysteries, being curious and investigate various activities were called by Maslow as cognitive needs, noting that this kind of need is very important to satisfy the five needs described above.
Need for self-transcendence: aim promote a cause beyond yourself and experience a communion beyond the limits of the self; this may involve service to other people or groups, devotion to an ideal or a cause, religious faith, the pursuit of science and union with the divine. According KoĹ‚tko (2006), the rectified hierarchy of needs Maslow’s version has several important implications for theory and research in personality and social psychology; these consequences to include broader approaches:
Personal and cultural conceptions of the purpose of life.
The motivational bases of altruistic behavior, social progress, and wisdom.
The suicide terrorism and religious violence.
The integration of psychology of religion and spirituality in personality and social psychology.
Finally, it should be noted that the “Theory of Human Motivation”, with its hierarchy of needs and motivational factors as well as the following Maslow research in the area of human needs, is part of the humanist educational paradigm, for which the achievement maximum self-realizationof students in all aspects of personality is a fundamental part and seeking, provide education training and personal growth.
A biblical truth of Self-realization
Biblical Integration
When dreams come true, you really give us happiness?
The Maslow pyramid or hierarchy of human needs, is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow, to meet our needs to achieve self-realization and have control over all problematic circumstances in which we find ourselves. This level of satisfaction is to meet the basic parameters, then supplemented with “meta needs.” The man who gets to comprehensively meet each of them is an individual who has artistic characteristics, leadership, self-confidence, fulfillment in their professional life, and loving, and although it gets to be in danger, always the proposals and alternative solutions, without having to exit pressure.
All this, to possess it are people who have a drive for life, regardless of the risks, the more satisfied an emergent need arises another which enables it to be better. According to the characteristics of the theory of Maslow born with the physical person, the rest arise over time. As the person drops their basic needs gradually higher needs appear.
In the society in which we live is handled in this way, and although we know that the basic needs such as meta needs are necessary, it is not always so. Advertising, TV, high technology, gives us a concept of happiness, only obtaining and fulfilling our desires, be happy and we will find fulfillment in life. While this, in “some” is true in others, at least not in most.
In the world in which we live there are still countries that do not meet their basic needs, never mind meet the “target needs” this in turn provokes reactions of bitterness and discontent, for he who is fixed in reality scarce, known not reached the same opportunities as someone born with all the alternatives.
In the Bible, we find the counterpart of Maslow’s pyramid. Jesus, the Son of God fulfilled his mission in life, and reached its fullness, to
self-realization of duty. Most people feel unsatisfied look at the resources and not find your mission in life. Although Jesus came to earth as a man, his mission always focused on “Ask the Father” Therefore to him by was never primarily meet their own needs to feel “good”, unlike renounced his basic needs, meet others; therefore, I fail their “goal needs” humble himself.
And never thought of meeting his “I” rather thought of death to meet the “target needs” around the world, insomuch that by his example not only had the salvation, but the breath of that in a fallen world god’s Son also suffered, hardship than us. The life of Jesus is a clear example of achieving the desired objective by man: the recognition of the other, but in this case, that of God. And the way to do it is simply not satisfy any personal desire, but of God.
Then the passage of Philippians 2:5-11, we can observe the following way: Jesus’ journey toward fulfilling your life and the satisfaction of achieving “something” is as follows: 1. Although it was the same being, God, emptied “renounce comfort” in every way. 2. He did not cling, but it took nature of a servant of a “servant or servant” that makes people not only sent a high class, but rather to their same level of social class.
3. You know how a man doing, but even worse, as “anyone” could decide whether to live in a wealthy family, because he preferred the opposite. Also what, never revealed his identity, but rather silent, who discovered his true position as a child of God.
4. He humbled also, if anyone else did, well that was not enough, was not satisfied, he stood as “mat” to be trampled and humble.
5. He preferred to die, who did not deserve it, but he did.
6. then: GOD gave him the highest honor, And the greatest of all names, For that, in the name given to Jesus, all knees bend in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and all confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father Phil. 2:111
No man more intending meet each of their needs, never achieved what Jesus did by stripping himself, no one can have a title like His What achievement JESUS​​: He fulfilled the will of God, He fulfilled his mission as a man on earth, It is the only way of salvation. And God gave him a title that would never be taken away. Do we need to fulfill our desire to be happy? Do you need to meet all the needs to fulfill our mission in life here on earth? Can you get to the self-renouncing himself? If fact, if Jesus did it, so can we. Take up your Cross and follow the master and awaits the eternal crown. And in the fullness of life there.
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