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Kathryn McNeil Case

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  • Pages: 3
  • Word count: 578
  • Category: Business

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Sayer MicroWorld is business reseller entity in Framingham, Massachusets that came into existence in 1992 after the successful merger of Sayer Information Technologies (SIT) and Sayer Marks Systems. Inc. (SMS). The company purchases computers from manufacturers and then  integrates various computer components before selling them to customers as retailers. Due to the merger of the two companies SIT and SMS, in order to realize profits and remain competitive in the market the management has decided to increase the working hours for all the staff members. The management has also recommended to undertake retrenchment of staff members. At the same time the company’s profits have reduced tremendously due to strategic investments and management. Kathryn McNeil who is the product manager in charge of IBM is having a problem with her supervisor by the name of Lisa Walters. Kathryn’s problem is due to her in ability to work for long hours as is expected. She is not being given a chance to present her case to the extend that she can even have access to consultation boardroom, in that she is being regarded as a burden to the company.

She is also having family problem because she is a single mother with an infant son needs more time with her mother. Kathryn is put on probation with reduced pay which has destabilized her financial stability.  Charles Foley is also having problem because he is not being consulted as expected. He is also having family problems because he rarely has enough time for the family due to demanding work. Mr Foley has a problem in making an informed decision on whether to dismiss McNeil because she understand her scenario which is realistic. McNeil and other staff members are being forced to work for long hours without lunch and overtime pay.

Lisa Walters is having constant problems with McNeil due to unfinished business. She also feels that Mr. Foley is incompetent by failing to take action against McNeil. The company’s employees faces the risk of being retrenched and works for long hours without food. The entire company is having financial problems and increased work loads. The communication networks within the company are poor to the extend that the president calls for a meeting without informing the vice president, while the director for product management initiates disciplinary measures against the product manager, IBM without notifying the vice president. The company’s problems can be summarized under; management and financial problems.

I recommend that in order for Sayer MicroWorld to realize genuine profit and at the same time remain competitive for prosperity then the following problems need to be addressed. First management to be consulting amongst themselves,  the management should address the issues raised by the staff members since Kathryne is just one amongst many. The company need to higher more staff members   commensurate to the work load available in the company. The management need to allow for lunch breaks and optional over time jobs with a separate pay package to motivate the employees. The company’s employees need to have more interactive sessions amongst themselves and with the management since these is normally a good stimulant for best results. The management should respect the contractual agreement signed with the workers, but should not take advantage of the loopholes within the constitution which favors the company when a dispute arises.


Kathryn, N. A.  (1994). Kathryn McNeil (A). Kathryn McNeil case. Pdf-PDF, 2 from  http://www.google.co.ke/search?hl=en&q=Kathryn+McNeil+Case+&btnG=Google+Search

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