Independent Variables Dependent Variables

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Order NowThis study aims to evaluate the relationship between the Pedagogic Competencies in teaching dance and the students’ academic performance in Physical Education. Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. First, the profile of the respondents in terms of their names, age, gender, grade and section and MAPEH teacher will be gathered as presented in the first frame. The assessment of the students regarding their Pedagogic Competencies in teaching dance in terms of classroom management, instructional materials, teaching methods and knowledge about dance, will also be gathered together with the students’ grade in Physical Education for third grading period. After data gathering, the researchers will then analyze and interpret the data using appropriate statistical tools.
This proposed study will be premised on determining the relationship of teachers’ Pedagogic competencies in teaching dance and academic performance of selected Junior High School students in Physical Education.
Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions
Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:
What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
Year Level
What is the level of competency of MAPEH teachers as assessed by the students in terms of:
2.1. Classroom management
2.2. Instructional materials and facilities
2.3. Instructional methods
2.4. Knowledge about dance
What is the performance of the students based on their grades in Physical Education for the 3rd grading period?
Is there a significant relationship between pedagogic competencies of MAPEH teachers in teaching dance and the academic performance of selected Junior High School students in Physical Education?
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study focuses on the perception of the respondents on the level of competency of their MAPEH teachers. The respondents are selected Junior High School students of Lucena Dalahican National High School S.Y. 2017-2018 in Lucena City. This proposed study covers the third quarter period since the topic of the Junior high School is about dance.
For this study, the following hypothesis will be tested:
There is no significant relationship between teachers’ pedagogic competencies in teaching dance and students’ academic performance in Physical Education.
Significance of the Study
The proposed study will have utmost significance to the following:
School Administrators
The findings of this study will help the administrators determine if the MAPEH teachers that they have are effective in teaching dance as a topic in Physical Education by knowing the academic performance of their students. Additionally, administrators would also know if the teaching methods and strategies that the teachers are using are effective or not and through this, administrators could easily help those teachers who are having trouble with it especially in keeping their students motivated which would then eventually lead to the success of their administration in promoting center of excellence.
As teachers play a very significant role in the teaching and learning process, the findings of this study will be of benefit to the teachers themselves as this study will help them determine if the methods and strategies that they are using during classroom discussions are effective or not specifically in teaching dance and through this, they will be able to develop better strategies and approach for them to better serve their students which would be a big help for them in providing quality education and better performance for their students.
The findings of this study would also be of benefit to the parents of the students as they would know how their children are doing in school by knowing their academic performance especially in Physical Education. In addition, they will also become aware on how important their role is as parents when it comes to their children’s education. Through this, parents would be guided on how they would assist and help their children in school and keep them motivated to learn.
Since the main goal of this study is to know and assess if teaching competencies affect the academic performance of students, of course, the recommendation of this study will be of significant to them since they will be the ones who will directly experience the effect of this study.
Future Researchers
The proposed study may also serve as the basis of future researchers to develop and formulate a similar study that will help improve the teaching-learning process.
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research method used, population and sample size, description of respondents, research instrument, validation of the instrument, reliability testing, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data. This helped evaluate the pedagogic competencies of MAPEH teachers in teaching dance and how this relates to the academic performance of students in Physical Education.
Methods of Study
This study used the descriptive research method which is designed for the researchers to gather information about the present existing conditions needed in their chosen field of study. Salvador, Tolentino-Baysa & Fua-Geronimo (2008) defined descriptive research as a type of research which describes and interprets “what is.” It reveals conditions or relationships that exist or do not exist, practices that prevail or do not prevail, beliefs or points of view or attitudes that are held or are not held, processes that are going on or otherwise, effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing.
Survey method was applied and used in this study as it helped the researcher evaluate different answers of the respondents regarding teaching competencies of their MAPEH teachers and its relationship to their academic performance in MAPEH. With the survey method the researchers have interaction with the respondents and guided them, when necessary, in answering the questionnaire.
Population and Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
The study employed the random sampling technique to select the respondents. A random sample is selected in a deliberate and random fashion to achieve a certain goal.
The researcher will use the 2 sections for each MAPEH teacher. The total sample size is composed of 720 students who came from different grade level of Lucena Dalahican National High School alone.
The researcher will coordinate with the School Principal and MAPEH Teachers before conducting the survey in respective sections. The respondents are the students present at the time of the survey.
The Respondents
The respondents of the study were the 720 students: 180 students will come from Grade 7 handling by 2 MAPEH Teachers, 180 students from Grade 8 handling by 2 MAPEH teachers, 180 students from Grade 9 handling by 2 MAPEH teachers and 180 students form Grade 10 handling by 2 MAPEH Teachers. Of the total respondents 360 females, and 360 males, age from 12 to 18 years old.
The Instrument
This study aims to determine the relationship of teachers’ pedagogic competencies in teaching dance and academic performance in Physical Education of selected Junior High School students of Lucena Dalahican National High School. The researcher will make a survey questionnaire to come with a measurable data needed from the respondents of the study. The use of questionnaires for the survey has the advantage of obtaining greater honesty and accurate response from the respondents, particularly if anonymity is maintained thus making the data more reliable.
Zulueta and Costales (2003) defined questionnaire as a set of orderly arranged of questions, carefully prepared to answer the specific problems of the study. It is a list of questions to be answered by a group of people especially designed to get facts or information. It is a list of written questions related to a particular topic provided with space for respondents to fill up. It is the principal instrument of data collection.
The researcher used a checklist type of survey questions for the third part of the questionnaire seeking for the respondents’ assessment on the pedagogic competencies in teaching dance of their MAPEH teachers.
The questionnaire consists of three parts. The first part is the introduction of the study. The researchers enclosed a brief note explaining to the respondents what the study is all about. The second part of the questionnaire aimed to answer the personal profile of the respondents. This included the respondents’ name, grade level, section, MAPEH teacher, and the respondents’ third quarter grade in MAPEH. The third and final part of the questionnaire is the assessment of the respondents on the teaching competencies of their teachers. This part questions divided into four factors namely classroom management, instructional materials, knowledge about the dance and instructional methods. Each factor consists of 10 questions with a total of 30 questions
Validation of the Instrument
This study sought to determine the teachers’ pedagogic competencies in teaching dance and its relationship to students’ academic performance in Physical Education. Study comparison and analysis of same material from other relevant studies will be the bases for the specific instrument for the study. In order to guarantee the instrument’s intrinsic value, the researchers had the initial review on issues relating to the instrument’s wording, syntax, the constructs’ and contents’ validity. Then the issues that were not agreed upon or that were not considered adequate were discarded. After utilizing a questionnaire, the instrument was subjected for expert’s validation in the field of MAPEH. After completing the suggested modifications to the summaries’ and items’ wording and content, the items that have not been previously agreed upon in terms of constructions were presented anew. Finally, modified questionnaires were utilized to collect the data for the study.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers first thought of a problem or topic that they want to conduct a study with and then state its purpose and importance.
To gain the data needed for these first three chapters of the study, the researchers gathered information from different books, theses, and dissertations from library. The researchers also browsed the internet and found some data related to the study as well. With the use of those data, the researchers came up with the background of the study, the related literature and some other important parts of the study.
After finishing the first three chapters of the study, the researchers also made a survey questionnaire which will become the primary source of data that will help the researchers determine the teacher competencies and its relation to academic performance of students.
In collecting and gathering the data needed, first, the researchers got permission to conduct the study from the school principal requesting permission to allow the researchers to administer the questionnaires at Lucena Dalahican National High School.
Upon approval of the school principal to finally conduct the study, this will be followed by the distribution of the questionnaires to the different grade levels in Junior High School students. The data will be collected and will use in generating the findings and completion of this undertaking.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The data collected in this study will be organized and classified based on the research design and the problems formulated. The data will be coded, tallied, and tabulated to facilitate the presentation and interpretation of the results. Statistical techniques helped the researchers in determining the validity and reliability of their research instrument. The researchers used the following formula in this study:
Weighted Mean
Another statistical technique that will be used by the researcher will be the weighted. This will be used to determine the average responses of the different options that will be provided in the various parts of the survey questionnaire.