Importance of Extracurricular Activities in Adolescent Development

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- Category: Art
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a. Attention getter:
i. Phillip Introduces 4 different character scenarios:
1. Introduce Drew-
a. Involved in art
b. Successful accountant
c. Helped with:
i. Time management
ii. Communication
iii. Presentation Abilities
2. Introduce Phillip-
a. Wasn’t involved with any extracurricular i.e. theatre. b. 42 and living in moms basement
c. Helped with:
i. Motivational speaking
ii. Communication apprehension iii. Knowledge retention
3. Introduce Maddie-
a. Involved in Music/Dance
b. Business Executive
c. Helped with:
i. Team work
ii. Professional Body Language iii. Organizational Qualities
4. Introduce Julissa-
a. Not involved in any extracurricular i.e. sports b. Works at DQ
c. Would have helped:
i. Physical & Mental Health
ii. Higher Self-esteem
iii. Scholarship to College
b. Thesis Statement
i. Extracurricular activities are important… 1. Development of:
a. Positive Thinking (Molinuevo 843) b. Healthy advance development (Molinuevo 843) c. Character building (Molinuevo 843) d. Peer acceptance(Molinuevo 843)
c. Preview of Points
i. Importance of:
1. Art
a. Development of Adolescents
b. Positive Effects
2. Theatre
a. Development of Adolescents
b. Positive Effects
3. Music & Dance
a. Development of Adolescents
b. Positive Effects
4. Sports
a. Development of Adolescents
b. Positive Effects
d. Credibility Statement
i. Drew
1. Art Programs in High School
ii. Phillip
1. Theatre for 8 years
iii. Maddie
1. Danced for 14 years
2. Choreographed two musicals
iv. Julissa
1. Previous Sports i.e. Soccer, Basketball & Track 2. Body
a. Art
i. What is Art?
1. Anything
a. Examples-
i. Sculpting
ii. Watercolor Painting
iii. Photography
2. Expression
3. Lois Fichner-Rathus states “We would probably all agree that the arts enhance daily experience; some of us would contend that they are linked to the very quality of life” (1). 4. The importance of Art
ii. Cutting Arts programs for Schools
1. “More than a little attention is given these days to notions that engagements with the arts help children succeed in school” (Catterall, 6). 2. “As schools cut time for the arts, they may be losing their ability to produce not just the artistic creators of the future, but innovative leaders who improve the world they inherit” (Winner 29). a. Budget Cuts
b. Time Constraints
iii. Art & Relation to Critical Thinking
1. Art
a. Thinking out of the box
b. Above and beyond
c. Revise & Critique
d. Ask questions
i. Is this Piece working?
ii. Is this what I intended to do? iii. What can I improve on?
iv. What is next?
1. Relate to other aspects of their life. e. “By unveiling a powerful thinking culture in the art room, are studies suggest ways that we can move beyond the debate over the value of arts, and start using the arts to restore balance and depth to an education system increasingly skewed towards readily testable skills and information” (Winner 31). i. Examples
ii. 1. He “lists 12 areas in which the arts are purported to make a contribution. These areas include contributions to creative thinking; development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills; and learning styles, communication skills, literacy skills, cultural literacy, individual choice-making, as well as group decision-making, increase in self-esteem and so forth” (Eisner, 9). iv. When does this need to begin?
1. Early Childhood
a. Pre- K- How to use these vital critical thinking skills and apply them to daily life. i. She, “recommends that art experiences for young children include activities designed to introduce children to works of art that are high quality and developmentally appropriate in both content and presentation” (Eckhoff, 463). b. Theatre
i. Importance of Theatre as an Extra Curricular Activity 1. Provides an Outlet for Creativity
a. Easier to Express Oneself
b. “… required [Berlin] to work hard, meet deadlines, create opportunities, heed his audience’s reaction, study the competition, and deliver the goods without cutting corners” (Magee 10).
2. Increases Functionality
a. Okikawa says that the use of musical theatre improves functionality in learning impaired students (370). b. Special needs kids == benefit of expression (emotional outlet) 3. Statistics on the Benefits of Involvement in the Arts at School-age a. Statistic Chart (Catterall 3).
b. Improved School Performance
4. How Consistent participation positively affects the growing up process a. Molinuevo said that if kids did extracurricular activities at least once a week, they would develop and conform to adolescence with more ease then non-active kids (851). b. Talk about if I didn’t show up for all rehearsals how would I know the show? c. Eccles says that active participation in extracurricular activities promotes advanced learning and higher chances of academic success (866). c. Music & Dance
i. Important Extracurricular Activities
1. Child Development
ii. Music
1. (Rauscher 2) Listening to music- improve academic abilities a. Music == Better Math Skill/Abilities i. “A…recent study found that…children who received…individual keyboard instruction… [or] received singing instruction…scored higher on a standardized [math] test” (Rauscher 3). b. Music ==Better Reading Abilities i. Adolescents with music training had significantly better verbal memory (Rauscher 4). ii. The reading skills of children who had music instruction were higher than those of children who didn’t (Rauscher 4). iii. Classical music
1. Helps with mental processing/Cognitive Processing (Rauscher 2). iv. Music == problem solving skills (Telesco 11).
v. Music (Telesco 12)
1. Commitment
2. Practice
3. Striving for Long-term and Short-term goals 4. Self Esteem
vi. Music & Your Career (Telesco 16). 1. Working towards common goals 2. Disciplined approach to solving problems 3. Creative problem solving 4. Flexibility among different situations 5. Higher Incomes
6. College
vii. Telesco states. “We must recognize the cognitive, educational and social benefits accruing from [music programs] and demand that such a curriculum be put into place…(17). iii. Dance
1. Dance is:
a. Telling a Story
i. Who, What, When, Where, Why, How b. Physical
i. Exercise
c. Spiritual
i. What the dancer or choreographer believes d. Expressive
i. Thoughts, Feelings, Senses e. Energetic
i. High energy, constantly moving f. Acrobatic
i. Leaps, jumps, turns, flips 2. Dance Helps Children develop Social Competence a. “Social Competence [is] the capacity for children to attain social goals, engage effectively in complex interpersonal interaction, make and maintain friendships, gain entry to social groups and achieve peer acceptance…”(Lobo 501). b. Poor Social Skills
i. Behavior Problems
ii. School Failure
iii. Low Self-esteem
iv. Emotional Issues
3. Importance of Creative Dance
a. Creative Dance (Lobo 503).
i. Expressing-
1. Ideas
2. Feelings
3. Senses
4. Dance helps with: (Lobo 503).
a. Self-image
i. Feeling Beautiful
b. Self-body awareness
i. Clumsiness
ii. Awkwardness
c. Self-Esteem
i. Learning to Love their body d. Concentration
i. Learning to focus on a certain concept, idea or task. e. Respect
i. For teacher
ii. Team members
f. Emotional Release
i. Expressing through physical movement and facial expressions g. Problem Solving/Decision Making
i. Choreography (putting different moves and techniques together) h. Responsibility
i. Showing up to class on time/Learning routines/ Practicing 5. “Children [appear] to show increased self-confidence in using their bodies to express themselves…”
(Lobo 512). 6. Alternative Teaching Methods (Mac Donald 436). i. Fractions- taught by rhythmic chanting and movement ii. Poems- interpreted through creative dance iii. Planets- meaning of names/ position of planets to sun through dance a. Students better remember the material i. “…the practical importance of…dance takes three main forms: children enjoy and benefit from dance activities and are therefore enthusiastic about learning through this art form;…dance may be used as an alternative, integrative method of teaching; and…dance can enhance whole child development” (Mac Donald 438). 7. Dance is a Physical Activity
a. Stretching
b. Elevated heart rate
c. Perspiration
8. Preventative for Childhood Obesity
a. Fun and easy exercise
b. “Childhood obesity is considered to be one of the major health threats of the 21st century” (Wittberg 30). c. Obesity is linked to physical, social and emotional developmental issues (Wittberg 30). i. Dance helps correct all
d. Obesity linked to academic issues (Wittberg 30). e. “…aerobic training has a significant association with academic performance…This [shows] that a child’s chances for academic success could be improved by increasing fitness” (Wittberg 35). f. Dance is an excellent way of achieving that. d. Sports
i. Very Valuable Contribution to Schools
ii. Shapes Student Live in Different Ways
iii. Show video
iv. More than a label or category
1. Helps Student Academically
a. Class room behavior
b. “Self-identification as a school athlete…is associated with a lover rate of reported misconduct” (Trudeau 5). c. Middle School & Behavior observed d. Character Building
e. Motivation
i. No missing class
ii. No quitters
iii. More involved
iv. Lower drop out rates (McNeal 75). f. Continue Learning
g. Scholarships
h. Aspirations (Mahoney 510).
i. Educational Preference (Eccles 867). j. Strict Academic Standing
2. Building Themselves
a. Self-esteem
b. Lonliness
c. Stop Depression
d. “Sports has delayed girls sexual initiation by providing confidence and self-esteem”(Cohen 4). e. Belonging
f. Family
g. “Athletes have more friends and a stronger sense of belonging to their institute” (Trudeau 7). 3. Obesity
a. Mrs. Obamas meal plan
i. In March 2012 Mrs. Obama took a stand in reducing childhood obesity and reducing what kids eat (Huber 11). ii. “In 2002 14% of children 12-19 were overweight” (Cohen 3). 1. Junk Food
2. 1 Hour of Exercise (Cohen 5). iii. Promote Exercise
iv. Reduce Health Problems
v. Depression
vi. Self-worth
3. Conclusion
a. Review points
i. Art=
1. Creativity
2. Problem Solving
3. Presentation
ii. Theatre=
1. Communication Apprehension
2. Expression
3. Motivation
iii. Music & Dance=
1. Mathematics & Reading
2. Self-Image
3. Responsibility
iv. Sports=
1. Reduce Health Issues
2. Self-Esteem
3. Character Building
b. Final Thought
i. “Participation in extracurricular…activities…increases interpersonal competence, self concept, high school GPA, school engagement, and educational aspirations…” (Eccles 867). ii. There is a positive relationship between extracurricular activities and development. 1. Should be a part of any adolescents upbringing.
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