How to Write an Opinion Essay

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- Category: College Example Writing Experience
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Order NowAn opinion essay is a type of written assignment aimed at an expression of author’s position concerning the problem or issue stated in the topic. In addition to it, the opinion of the writer should be enhanced with strong supporting arguments and statistical data. It will help to produce the needed effect on the audience and impress the target reader. Exists a specific template to follow helping to organize the essay logically and adequately. A writer working on the preparation of this composition also needs to stick to the established structure.
An average opinion essay consists of five paragraphs, each of which has its function and peculiarities of compilation. Preparation of the opinion essay demands from an author a serious approach. One needs to focus on the topic, dedicate enough time to info gathering, think over the material to be included and present information cohesively and coherently.
What is an Opinion Essay
An opinion essay is a type of academic paper, in which the author has to express his thought concerning specific issues indicated in the topic. For that reason, he has to focus on a theme and provide and defend only one opinion. A writer should not express any contrasts or comparisons. It means that the main aim is to focus on a particular position and support it be strong arguments throughout the whole essay.
Nature of an opinion essay is analytical. It means that a writer should create an algorithm and follow it if he wants to prepare a good opinion essay. Primarily, one has to concentrate on a particular topic and take into account the target audience. It will help to compile an outline and decide on statements, which can enhance the position of the author and create a needed effect on the audience.
Opinion Essay Topics
Choice of a topic is an essential pre-writing step. A successfully chosen topic can be a crucial factor influencing the high quality of the essay. As is often the case, members of colleges and universities receive topic formulations from their supervisors. Those writers, who do not have a topic have to formulate it by themselves, and it may turn quite challenging. A few suggestions are helping to choose the right and catchy for the target audience topic.
Primarily, one needs to find something that is interesting and can launch the thinking process. It means that a writer should focus on his interests, which will allow him to pick the right theme for the future essay. Making a short brainstorming exercise may be handy in generating fresh and exciting ideas. If it is too complicated for a writer to pick a topic due to the lack of imagination and creativity, it is always possible to consult web resources and choose a title from a list of offered ones.
Guidelines on Writing Opinion Essays
A writer working on the delivery of an opinion essay has to plan his writing process wisely. After picking a topic, an author should make efforts to gather the needed info. It is always a good idea to take notes to be able to access the material quickly, without wasting time for re-reading. The second important issue is a creation of an outline. It serves an algorithm to follow while writing. A well-compiled framework allows to structure the info logically and produce a cohesive and coherent text.
To make your composition readable and attractive for the target audience, you can include a variety of scientific facts and statistical data. An excellent and prolific strategy is to keep in mind your target audience. It may help to provide the points, which a target reader wants to know. Try to write and effectively.
How to Start an Opinion Essay
An introductory part serves as a lead-in for your opinion essay. It is the first of the five structural elements of your composition. Its proper compilation plays a significant role, as it can attract the attention of the readers and make them interested in further reading. The task of a writer is to present the overall topic and set the tune. An author has to familiarize his audience with the opinion you have concerning a particular issue.
Primarily, you need to compile a hook sentence. It can be either an interesting fact or a famous saying that will help a reader to focus on the main topic. The central part of the introduction is the thesis statement. It I the core idea of your essay. In this sentence, you need to present an explicit formulation of your opinion.
Essay Body Paragraphs
The main body of an opinion essay is the nucleus of the whole composition. It is a section, where the author presents his strong supporting arguments and defends an opinion or position stated in the introductory part. As is often the case, the main body consists of two-three paragraphs. Each of these paragraphs presents one point. The structure should be preserved according to the following template. It should start with the central point. Next, a writer should enhance this points with supporting arguments.
Exists some general handy tips assisting in the compilation of the main body. It is of the utmost importance to apply a variety of linking verbs to make the composition sound logical and coherent. It is essential to stick to a proper sequence of tenses and preserve one particular writing style, avoiding mixing formal and informal vocabulary. A prolific technique allowing to make an essay more colorful is the application of saying, examples from literature and real-life examples.
Opinion Essay Conclusion
The conclusion of any composition is a closing element, which supplies the audience with the summary of main points discussed in the text. The task of a writer is, to sum up, everything that was presented in a paper referring to a thesis sentence from the lead-in section. The author always aims at making an effective ending. Various saying, rhetorical sentences, and call-to-action sentences may assist you in this.
After compilation of a closing part, a great technique allowing to avoid blunders, misprints, and misunderstandings is proofreading. Apart from that, it is possible to ask someone to listen to your opinion essay and reflect on it. It allows checking, whether the text produces the desired effect and whether it renders the main idea you aimed to convey. Examine grammar, lexis, and punctuation. The last steps will be originality examination and the last re-reading.
Opinion Essay Outline
Creation of an outline simplifies the writing process and allows to speed up the whole preparation process. With the help of sketch, you have a chance to produce a better essay, as it structures your thoughts properly and allows to make a small draft for you future composition. The structure of the outline comprises a lead-in, the central body or nucleus part, and a conclusion.
An outline resembles a simple scheme reflecting the structure of your work. Try to fill in your draft on the preliminary stage of your writing process and gradually enhance it with the new info. Step by step, you will discover that the spine of your future work is ready and all you need to do is present the material in an extended and transparent way.
Opinion Essay Examples
Consulting opinion essay examples is a great way to see the theory in practice. Be reading various examples a writer gets the main idea of this type of essay, and it is easier for him to imagine, what should be the form and content of his future composition. Exists a variety of samples on the web illustrating the implementation of various techniques and methods of compiling opinion essays. A writer can take the insight into the nature of the assignment. It will assist significantly in working on his opinion essay.