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George crum

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George Crum
George Crum was born 1822 in Saratoga Lake, New York. He was the son of an African American father and a Native American mother. George lived a normal life and was talented in Culinary Arts. 1853, his talent lead him to work as a chef in a New York resort. He might have been talented but he needed to work on his potato fries just a little. The Birth of Potato Chips

George Crum was the first African American/Native American to accidentally create the first batch of potato chips. The invention sort of has a silly story behind it. It all started 1853, when George Crum was working as a chef in a New York resort. A customer complained that George’s potato fries where too thick. George got pretty angry because of that complaint, so he fried up another batch. But this time, he made the potato slices really thick and over salted, frying them to a crisp. Unexpectedly, the annoying customer enjoyed the new style of that potato snack. Potato Chips Get Known Since potato fries were already popular, Customers weren`t afraid to try something a bit different on the menu. With potato chips being his specialty, chips started getting some popularity. Although He was a big help to his work place, he had a feeling potato chips can grab a lot of attention so why not do something to make it even more popular. I think it was a smart investment he was planning. Reaching His Goals

1860, George Crum opened his own restaurant to expand his creativity and ideas. For every order, he would place a side of potato chips in a basket. The potato chips attracted guest to his restaurant. But George Crum was not planning to involve his potato chips in the marketing business. It`s maybe because potato chips were popular at a really early time where marketing was not an option. Leaving His Dream to Us

George Crum died 1914 closing his restaurant, but he died following his dreams. Many Snack entrepreneurs were inspired all around America to take a chance to bring potato chips back to life. George Crum`s ideas impacted our lives by inspiring others to make his ideas have greater importance. If it wasn`t for some inspired people adding to Crum`s ideas, chips its self wouldn`t be as popular. Inspired People

Some of the ideas that were added to Crum`s ideas starts with William Tappendon. In 1895, he began making potato chips sell at grocery stores. An important idea was created 1926 by a woman named Laura Scudder. Laura Scudder had the idea to sell potato chips in waxed paper bags. Ever since people started making chips popular in stores, businesses started to develop potato chip companies making potato chips grow as America`s favorite snack. Frito Lay

Throughout the years of potato chips growing in the snack business, there was one huge company that stood out making an impact to our society. The Frito Lay was founded by Herman Lay in 1932. Frito Lay is the most popular potato chip company in America. They have 33 brands that have a huge success in sales and jobs. I think this company has made chips as popular as it`s ever been till this day.

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