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Modern method of teaching and teachers apply their own proven formulae for successful instruction with full support of and minimal interference from Administrative functions

Overnight orientations
Nixor has some controversial policies and approaches. Name some and comment with your perspective

Every school and college has its own set of norms and rules well thought out for the students and faculty to follow, and just like any other school worldwide, Nixor College has some policies and approaches that may be considered debatable by some. These can include policies ranging from a strict no tuition policy, to more non-serious ones such as the over-night orientation. Nixor has a firm warning on taking help outside of school in the form of tuition, thus a strict no-tuition policy has been set out and is being carried out in the school. The punishments include; being asked to drop the subject that tuitions are being taken for, being asked to take the Cambridge International Examination privately and thus not represented by the school, and furthermore being asked to leave Nixor College. Personally I believe that these are suitable actions.

Tuitions are meant to help us overcome the gaps in the subject that we’re unable to fill, however I personally always believed that was the role of the teacher, so even though my friends would be running from tuition to tuition every day for countless hours after school, I took as less tuitions as possible because I knew that although it may be easily available to me to get the extra help. I knew that the teachers themselves could help me fill in any learning gaps in the subject and could help me find individualized ways to remove those gaps. Additionally, people may disagree or find it shocking that Nixor College asks the student to give the CIE privately if tuition is being taken for that subject. I completely agree to this policy because if the child is taking tuition and gives the CIE for the subject on behalf of Nixor College, the student is not even truly representing Nixor College and thus the student’s grade cannot even be considered as a product of the school.

The policy shows that Nixor has assurance in its teachers and Nixor College therefore is sure of its organization and its methods, which not many schools in Pakistan are. I saw the best minds of my generation going to tuition for every subject. People have forgotten that school isn’t just all about passing exams. The tuition dependent system will not change overnight, but I really appreciate how Nixor College is attempting to discontinue it. Another strategy includes the fact that teachers teach in their own established ways and do not get much intervention or interference from the Administrative functions. This policy was really interesting to me because it again shows the confidence and trust Nixor College has with its teachers and faculty.

I think this is a smart procedure also because every teacher is obviously different and has her/her own methods and styles that they want to demonstrate and every teacher has their own approach on schooling. This shows not only that Nixor College chooses the best and most reliable teachers, and that the teachers without a doubt have a deep subject knowledge and are able to adapt to suit local situations and the student’s needs. We see that Nixor College gives a sense of freedom and lack of restrictions to their teachers which can benefit everyone in the system. It benefits the teachers because they can communicate and teach in a way they find most suitable without being tied down or stopped by the Administration, because in other schools we do see teachers being quite minimal with their methods.

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