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Zoology Essays

Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal

Dryden statement that “The boldest way to tell men freely of their foulest faults; to laugh at their vain deeds and vainer thoughts. ” provides a key insight into why writers use parody and satire. Across different generations and various social contexts authors have exploited the conventions of humour to …

Why the Whales Came

In the beginning of the book the book the person reading would see the Birdman as an evil and mad person they thought this because of the way he appears, he looks like an owl he wears a black cape covering his monstrous face so the people on the island …

The Narrator's Technique of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

The narrator sets the scene upon a railway bridge in Northern Alabama. There are around four messages that Ambrose Pierce tries to get across, firstly that he is uncomfortable with war, how people are forced into war that do not want to fight and what it does to them and …

Horses by Edwin Muir

It is said that one should forget the past and live in the present. However, Edwin Muir’s ‘Horses’ is a poem of past memories only. The interesting part is that it deals with many conflicts and issues which are prevalent even today. It is thus a bridge between the past …

Paul's Lack of Self in the Rocking Horse Winner

Heinz Kohut, days before his death, boldly stated at a Self Psychology conference in Berkeley, California, “The worst suffering I see in adult patients are in those very subtle, and difficult to uncover, absence of the mother, because her personality is absent. It is this emptiness that leads to the …

Red Drum Fish (Redfish)

Red Drum also called as Redfish, Rat Red, Bull Red or just “RED”. The distinguishing mark on the red drum is one large black spot on the upper part of the tail base. The color of red drum ranges from a deep blackish, coppery color to nearly silver. The most …

The Blind Men and the Elephant

            The story tells of five blind men who encountered an elephant on their way. Each of them had their own opinions on what the elephant resembles. The first man says that the elephant was just like a wall. The second thought it felt like a pillar. The third indicates …

Fish Feed Technology

 Good nutrition in animal production systems is essential to economically produce a healthy, high quality product. Feed is one of the major inputs in aquaculture and often the success of fish farming depends to a very large extent on the provision of adequate quantities of nutritionally suitable feeds in a …

The Harsh Reality of Animal Cruelty in Slaughterhouses and Farm Factories

The Humane Society of Eastern Carolina defines animal cruelty as any violence or neglect perpetrated against any animal. Such cruelty include animal abuse especially on domesticated animals (dogs, chickens, cows, etc.) or it also include neglect wherein any kept animal is not provided with basic necessities like food, clean water …

Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones (lyrics by Mick Jagger)

The lyrics to “Wild Horses” are deceptively simple.  The refrain sets up a simple metaphor – wild horses could not drag the narrator away from his love and their situation.  However, at the end of the song, the narrator says “Wild horses, we’ll ride them someday”, acknowledging that the phrase …

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