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United States Essays

The History Of Mission San Francisco De Asis

The History of Mission San Francisco de Asis On June 27th, 1776 Father Palon and Pedro Cambon, ten Christian Indians driving pack mules, and almost 300 head of cattle arrived at the Arroyode los Dolores which Anza and Father Font had selected for a mission site. They put up a …

United States adopt an isolationist policy in the 1920's and 1930's

By the end of World War I, the United States grew increasingly isolationistic in its policies. Even though the United States emerged from the war as one of the victors, the American people were greatly dispirited by the devastation. Many hoped to return to the peaceful decade before the war. …

Reform movements in the United States

In the time of 1825-1850, United States officials and activists sought to expand the democratic ideals in which the country was founded. Activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton as well as many other women pushed for the right to vote, stating that both men and women were created equal, and …

United States Achieve

The United States only briefly achieved the objectives that led it to enter the First World War. With Woodrow Wilson’s demand for his Democratic supporters to reject the Treaty of Versailles with Henry Cabot Lodge’s fourteen “reservations” (a sardonic mock of Wilson’s Fourteen Points), the death warrant was signed for …

New York City

There is a huge difference between a city in the Mid-West, such as Columbus in the state of Ohio, and east coast landmark, such as New York City. Each city has its stereotype, something everyone can say. For instance, New York equals skyscrapers and lots of people. Whereas when you …

Maya Angelou - Yet to be United States

When Dr. Maya Angelou read her poem, “On the Pulse of Morning,” written especially for President Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993, the ‘best kept secret in literary circles’ was thoughtfully revealed to the whole world. She is arguably the most influential woman of her race, but there is more to …

Why did the United States adopt a policy of containment?

The term containment, introduced by the Truman Administration, describes the foreign policy pursued by the United States after the Second World War. The policy itself was an attempt to ‘contain’ the Soviet Union within its current borders and frustrate any attempts of expansion. George F. Kennan, a diplomat and US …

A people's history of the United States

A People’s History of the United States is a book written by Howard Zinn, whose purpose is not to introduce someone to American History. He assumes his readers already know the basics. Of course, many people do not. It is not a history of the United States but it is …

The life and accomplishments of Al Capone

During the prohibition era of the 1920’s, if one wasn’t an enemy of Alphonse (Al) “Scarface” Capone, was he, in many eyes, a hero? Due to his savvy street smarts and the corrupt rebellion of the decade, Al Capone was not only a popular commentary of the time, but is …

Jane Addams and her impact on society

Jane Addams is known for Hull House, located in Chicago, IL. While this isn’t her only contribution to society during her life, this is the one contribution that has probably made the biggest impact on society. Jane became interested in social issues when she went on a trip to England …

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