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Social Issues Essays

The Social Impact of Refugees in Developing Countries

In the developed world, the issues that surround the topic of refugees are frequently portrayed in worldwide media outlets. It is fairly common to find the topic mentioned in daily newspapers, magazines, television news stations, and the internet in many countries around the globe. Citizens in major cities of the …

Able Danger

Able Danger was a classified military planning effort created in early October 1999 to develop an Information Operations Campaign Plan against terrorism. Able Danger gained notoriety when claims that Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, among others, claimed that they have identified the leader (Mohamed Atta) of the 9/11 plot, as well as three …

Response To 9-11

Seven years ago, the United States suffered a major attack on its soil, a terror attack that brought to the surface fears that terrorists were becoming stronger and more cunning devising new ways of hurting nations where it matters most. This attack would witness the demise of hundreds of innocent …

Madonna As a Feminist

Introduction The name “Madonna” will always elicit recognition and recall from virtually any person in any part of the world.  As a performer, Madonna has gained that world-wide recognition that only artists such as the Beatles have accomplished.  Her iconic status has transcended the US and makes her one of …

Thomas Paine and “Common Sense”

            The article, “Common Sense” was one of the most valuable sources of propaganda for the young American colonists and one of first bestsellers in the new world.  The pamphlet was written by Thomas Paine, a young man who made his way to the American colonies with the financial help …

Role of Women

Introduction All the three texts, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, The Ramayana, and The Analects of Confucius, describe male-female relationships. Their accounts all present these relationships, stressing the inferiority of women in relationship to men. Man is in control of things, while the woman’s role is to remain subordinated …

How Successful is the Law Relating to Discrimination in Creating Equality at Work

Introduction       In a General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), the Member States adopted the Resolution of The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination on 21 December 1965 and avowed their support and compliance with one of the purposes of the UN which is …

Anti-Corruption Initiative

Bribery and corruption too often go hand in hand with business transactions.  Some people will seize the opportunity for personal gain at any cost, committing unethical, immoral and illegal acts by accepting bribes and other gifts, beneficial only to themselves and their corporation and damaging to others.  The dictionary defines …

Protections For Public Employees: Statutory Anti-discrimination Programs

Introduction The challenges and laws shaping the business sector drawing in corporate social responsibility, good corporate citizenship, and statutory anti-discrimination programs have shifted as political and social climates have changed in New York, the United States, and around the world. One legal issue, which has been borne since the advent …

The Death Penalty - Right or Wrong

In a Hypothetical Situation there are three men who are discussing the implementation of death penalty and how it is to be considered as morally right or morally wrong. Among them is a professor of Ethics who promotes Utilitarian Ethics, a student of Ethical Theories who considers himself as a …

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