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Scientific Method Essays

Rates of Reaction Experiment HCl and Sodium Thiosulphate

The rate of reactions is how fast something changes from its reactants to its products. For a reactions to occur, the particles must strike with enough energy. At the start of the practical only some of the reactions will have enough energy to strike with each other and create energy …

To Determine The Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2, in Aqueous Solution

In this practical examination I am provided with a ‘100-volume’ hydrogen peroxide solution. Taking the ‘100-volume’ into consideration I have to plan two experiments that would enable me to determine the exact concentration of H2O2, in mol dm-3. Titration The first experiment I shall carry out will be a redox …

D2 Measurong Young's Modulus of Copper

In this experiment, The Young’s modulus of copper will be mesured . Apparatus – copper wire 4m – G-clamp – polley on clamp -2*Wooden block – 2*rule (half meter and meter rule) – slotted mass with hanger 15 * 0.1 kg – adhesive label -micrometer screw gauge -safety goggles -polystyrene …

Enthalpy Change

Skill P – Planning * The aim of this practical experiment is to determine the enthalpy change for this reaction by an indirect method based on Hess’s Law. Both Calcium Oxide and Calcium Carbonate react readily with 2 mol dm Hydrochloric Acid solutions. The temperature changes during these reactions can …

Ohm's Law Investigation

Introduction: In the following experiment, I predict that the filament bulb in which we are testing, on will not obey ohm’s law. Their are many factors which make me believe this, such as the temperature of the bulb. If the filament bulb DID obey Ohm’s Law, then the temperature would …

Hunger and the Fat Rat

This activity provides a simulated experiment on weight regulation in rats. The Hypothalamus * What are the two techniques used to study hypothalamic dysfunction? How do they differ? The two techniques used to study hypothalamic dysfunction are stimulation and destruction. To simulate the hypothalamus a small wire probe is inserted …

Scientific Method and Argument

The best test of an argument is the argument’s ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, …

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Research Design To examine the psychological disposition of becoming a prisoner and a prison guard, Psychology Professor Philip Zimbardo conducted the Stanford Prison experiment, which basically simulates a correctional facility built at the basement of psychology building in Stanford.  Three small mock cells with no windows were built, each containing …

Roots of Moslem Rage

Introduction             It is no light matter, the concept of Moslem rage. Perhaps, the fact that Moslem rage is referred to as “The Clash of Civilization” intimates the idea that at the moment, there is no other threat as pervasive and formidable enough to the present civilization as the Moslem …

Genetic Arbidopsis Lab

Abstract             The purpose of this lab experiment is to observe the mechanism of the leaf morphogenesis through the characterization and isolation of two mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. We observed the various characteristics of the wild type Arabidopsis and the mutants. We started with one wild type phenotype (Col), which …

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