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Holidays Essays

Holiday Essay Samples & Examples

“How did you spend your holiday” is a typical question for an essay after summer or winter holidays. Either you are studying at university or school, you won’t avoid the step of writing holiday essays.

Although writing about your trips can be boring, you need to make this piece of writing as exciting as possible. Think about interesting events that have happened while you have been relaxing form studying. Begin your essay with a hook sentence to make your audience engrossed.

You can write in a descriptive style and use human senses to depict the vivid images of your traveling surrounding. Use stylistically colored vocabulary, expressive means, stylistic devices to make your language more explicit. In the storytelling type of writing don’t focus on describing nature. Write about events, changes, intriguing situations so that readers don’t get bored.

No matter which style of writing you choose for the holiday essay, it should be of the high quality to get an A+. If you don’t know how to do this, just make an order right here.

Vacation in the Bahamas

Imagine yourself surrounded by beautiful pink sand, clear blue waters stretching out as far as the eyes can see, one hand with a natural cut coconut filed with coconut water inside, music to your liking and the sun, perfect temperature as if it was set to treat you. According to …

Festivals and celebrations in Malaysia

Malaysia has a number of festivals and celebrations, most of which are either religious or cultural in origin, and are swathed in traditions and rituals. Malaysia. A country where one can experience a multitude of cultural celebrations and festivals, as well as, and most importantly, good food(!) all year round. …

Marxist Criticism Of How The Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch stole Christmas, written by Dr.Seuss in 1957, shows a clear demonstration of the commercialization of Christmas. In the 1950s, North America was considerably interested in the commercialization of Christmas, a religious celebration that had been around for over a thousand year had turned into a money making …

''A Christmas Carol'' by Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol is a tale on the subject of change. It is a quite simple story based on an intervallic narrative composition in which all of the major chapters have a clear, fixed symbolic connotation. Dickens’ much-loved short story A Christmas Carol was printed in 1843, along with the …

A Trip to Pulau Langkawi

When someone mentions the word vacation, I always imagine the amazing experiences that I get from spending my time at beautiful beaches. During the second semester break, I decided to spend my joyful days at Pulau Langkawi, Kedah to escape from all the pressures from my studies. It was the …

Continuing Case: The New Benefits Plan

Chapter conclusion: Benefits for employees are very important for companies. Benefits for employees include various insurance plans, paid vacation days, paid sick leave, paid days off, etc. Different companies need to establish different benefit plans based on their company conditions. In brief, benefit in one of the bridge between employers …

Archetypal Critical Theory: Gift of the Magi

In literature, symbolism is crucial to portray the author’s vision for the story. Each ornament presented through the story line can be viewed as a symbol that can potentially be related to the literature. Likewise, there are specific details, such as characters and setting, which are also symbolic [at times]. …

Current Events Paper

The way we see ourselves has changed dramatically over the years in this country. This is, in large part, because of our prolonged exposure to media in all its forms. We have held a continuous discussion on this very topic in my Communications & Rhetoric class for weeks now, and …

Vietnam: Lunar New Year Festival

Every country has its own important festivals which have the customs characteristics and the different meaning. Western countries have some holidays such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas,… Korea has Harvest festival (Chuseok), Buddha’s birthday (Chopail), Festival for servants (Meoseumnal),… Japan has Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, Japanese Lantern Floating Festival, Miki Autumn …

Personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution

Everything happening felt unreal. I didn’t even realize it was time. It ten minutes until we started. Everyone was straight in their lines and nerves began to take over. We were all less than five minutes away from marching in the 124th Annual Pasadena Tournament of the Roses Parade. My …

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