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Games Essays

Need for Speed

The original Need for Speed was released for 3DO in 1994 with versions released for the PC (DOS) (1995), PlayStation and Saturn (1996) following shortly afterwards. The Need for Speed and its Special Edition were the only games in the series to support DOS. Subsequent releases for the PC run …

”The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins Argumentative

Humans have been attracted to violence since the beginning of time, and as technology has evolved, so has the way that people get to experience violence in the world. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, chronicles the life of Katniss Everdeen, a sixteen year old girl living in a dystopic …

Effects of Excessive Online Gaming

HoN, DotA, Dragon Nest and Ragnarok – if you know and actually play these games until the clock strikes 12 or even the sun rises, then you are probably one of the teenagers who have developed strong addiction towards online gaming. This kind of addiction is similar in many ways …

Bullfighting Case

I. Introduction A. ATTENTION-GETTER: I want to play a game. In this game there are two competitors, yourself and a raging bull. Your job is to amaze the crowd by taunting the bull as it stampedes towards you, with only your red cape and your courage to aid you. Sounds …

Online Games and Lan Games

An online game is a video game played over some form of computer network, using a personal computer or video game console. This network is usually the internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. …

Effects of Computer Games to Grade 7 Students

* Educational Benefits Several studies have reported that computer games provide educational opportunities that students might not receive in a traditional schooling system. Verbal skills, spatial awareness, multitasking and problem-solving are all skills that are seen to be boosted by computer games. * Health Benefits A study by researchers at …

”The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins, author of the The Hunger Games trilogy, wrote the fantastic book called Mockingjay. The book is part of the trilogy, still based on surviving the games. The book is about 400 to 500 pages long and the setting is still in North America. Published by Scholastic, the book …

Win or Lose: the Mindset and Feelings of Athletes Who Lose

Athletes are always inevitably faced with two paths in every game– winning or losing. Either of these two can generate strong waves of emotions and may emanate even long after the match had been set (Allen, Jones, & Sheffield, 2010). The behavioral consequences of winning and losing always have a …

Hunting Hobby

Hunting has been a favorite and exciting hobby of mine all my life, and the excitement never seems to fade away. I hunt for turkey, duck, coyote, deer, hogs, and othersmall game animals. Out of everything I hunt, ducks would have to be at the top of the list. Every …

Coupon Essay

Introduction A coupon is a ticket or document that can be exchanged for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product. This coupon is offered by McDonald’s fast food restaurant. The coupon give shoppers one more reason to buy from you. The restaurant’s coupon settings are flexible, it is …

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