Fitness Essays

At 6’0″ and approximately 210 lbs with a BMI (body mass index) of 28 I am considered overweight and very close to being obese according to the website weight-loss.emedtv.com. I am positive that my current and very poor fitness and nutritional habits are the main cause of my depleting health …
Private Fitness LLC is a small health club located in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, an upscale community located in the Los Angeles area. The club offers personal fitness training and fitness classes of various types including aerobics, spinning, body sculpting, air boxing, kickboxing, hip hop, step and pump, dynamic stretch, …
Using your textbook (chapter 10) answer the following questions. 1. Write your own definitions of health related fitness and motor fitness. What items would you include on test batteries for each of these? a. Health related fitness is the ability to test one’s fitness level through exercises. The skin fold …
We live in the world when the most ambitious want to be rich, famous, successful and to live in the three or four-storied . Others just want to have a prestigious job with high salary and to have a flat somewhere in city center. But what is the thing without …
Introduction Bounce Fitness is made up of four fitness centres. Head office is currently established in Cairns, Queensland. The other centres are in Brisbane, (Queensland), Sydney, (New South Wales) and Melbourne, (Victoria). It is the intention of the Board of Directors that a new centre will be opened in Perth, …
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