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College Example Essays

Run Lola Run

Throughout the film, Run Lola Run, is a central theme of time. This theme is presented successfully through the use of characters, symbols and ideas presented in the film. The whole film centres on Lola running to save Manni and this in turn demonstrates the theme, time and the race …

Why is Citizen Kane considered the greatest film ever made

Citizen Kane, made in 1941, was revolutionary for its time and is still considered now as one of the greatest films ever made. It has inspired many other films and still goes on to be very influential in the film world. There are many reasons as to why Citizen Kane …

Stand By Me

The film I have watched recently is called “Stand By Me” directed by Rob Reiner and based on a book called “The Body” by Steven King. The purpose of my essay is to illustrate how Rob Reiner showed the characters of Chris and Gordie coming to terms with the adult …


The scene opens with the title Scream accompanied by non-diegetic screams, a heartbeat and a telephone ringing which acts as a sound bridge into the first scene. This establishes that the film is going to be a scary horror straight away. A blonde girl answers the telephone. It is typical …

The ways in which Steven Spielberg creates tension in 'Duel'

‘Duel’ is a marvellous film, directed by Steven Spielberg. It was not Spielberg’s first film, but it is the one that made him famous. It was made for Americans television but was also released in Europe and Australia and Japan and was followed by two further films, ‘Savage’ and ‘Something …

Un Chien Andalou - Luis Bunuel and Salvidor Dali

This is an acclaimed surrealist masterpiece and also one of my favourite short films. Un Chien Andalou is a short film without any narrative flow. Bunuel and Dali fully intended there to be no links between the various scenes. The film contains some of the most shocking and bizarre imagery …

Why 'Sholay' has become a classic film

‘Sholay’ is an Indian Bollywood film made in the late 70’s and was directed by Ramesh Sippy. ‘Sholay’ means burning flames and has been called a classic. It has been made in Bollywood where in all their films has a strong love plot some action and comedy. ‘Sholay’ is very …

Shaka in Context

Upon comparing two texts of varying media, it becomes a far more complex task to critically analyse its contents regardless of similar subject matter. Bearing this in mind, the task of analysing the mini-series Shaka Zulu (1986) in comparison to that of Elizabeth Paris Watt’s novel Febana (1963) has to …

Systems Consideration in Human Resources Information Systems

This paper considers several comprehensive Human Resources Management Software packages and their interaction when deployed as a software as a service (SaaS) solution. Epicor HCM solutions and Icims Talent Platform are two services that provide Human Capital Management. Articles give opinions on why software as a service is not for …

Film Raising Arizona

The film that I am analysing is called “Raising Arizona”; it is based around the themes of comedy. The film focuses upon a character called ‘Herbert’ who has been released from person. Herbert wants to start a new life with his newly appointed wife. They both try to start a …

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