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College Example Essays

Online plagiarism checker for your essay

The 100% uniqueness of the research paper is a myth for many students, and it doesn’t make sense to seek such an indicator. The main value is the quality and originality of the material, not the desire to achieve certain technical values. To have a good quality of the text, …

Plagiarism Detector for Your Essay

Several years ago the word “plagiarism” was associated with a real nightmare for students and teachers. After submitting a paper, you would have to wait for the final teacher’s verdict. Thanks to modern technologies, people can forget about this problem. By using our best free plagiarism detection gives us a …

House of Sand and Fog movie analysis

The movie House of sand and Fog, starred by Jennifer Connelly and Ben Kingsley is based on an earlier book written by Andre Dubus II. It begins by a conflict between Kathy Nicolo and Behrani Massoud. The two are involve in a feud over who between them is the actual …

Production of sulphur dioxide

Introduction Currently, fertilizers used on the West Coast are made and then transported from other parts of New Zealand. Because fertilizers have a reasonably large mass the cost of this transport can be expensive. This report will investigate the processes involved in making superphosphate fertilizer, including the manufacture of sulfuric …

12 facts you didn’t know about The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

Have you ever read The Thinker by Auguste Rodin analyze? Such a great variety of sculptures exist in the world. But not all of them impress and inspire us, and fewer yet which express. The thinker is one of the sculptures that was once made and continue to affect through …

We Pray

We pray is an inspirational phenomenon with many variables. I have listened I chose this song from my culture which is reggae. The touching verses of “We Pray” are the primary reason it turned into the main tune I had to choose for this assignment. The verses in this melody …

Botticelli’s design principles of the birth of Venus

All pictures are made for different reasons: to impress, astonish, daze, cheer up or even, vice versa, bring a person down. All arts have their viewers and connoisseurs, but one of them is showing up; why? Because this piece or art fascinates each person with its unicity. But first things …

Critical analysis of the Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story written Edgar Allan Poe and was first edited and published in January 1843 by Robert Carver and James Russell Lowell, the proprietors of in the short-lived inaugural issue of The Pioneer: A Literary and Critical Magazine. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a classic gothic …

Summary of “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”

Rowel Tolkien is one of the founders and creators of fantasy, as a genre. One of his most famous books calls “The Lord of the Rings.” There is also an interesting film based on this book by a director Peter Jackson. Most people think of this creature as a unique …

Notes about Sergio Leone’s Western Movie Empire

This is to inform you about non-canonical western movie of 1968 by Sergio Leone. There are plenty of viewers who cannot get enough of the epic Western “Once Upon a Time in the West.” Fans play the highly projected showpiece coherences of the film over and over again. They memorize …

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