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College Example Essays

Analysis of Cassius from Julius Caesar

Cassius is a silver tongued politician who understands and perceives the true motives of others. He uses that skill of is to suit his own purposes. Even Caesar thinks that about him; “He is a great observer and he looks quite through the deeds of men. ” He is skilled …

Analysis of a Beautiful Mind

Ron Howard’s The Beautiful Mind is an American film that follows the life of scientific and mathematical genius and Princeton University graduate John Nash. The film begins with Nash and his colleagues at a ceremony where he is a co-reclplent for a math scholarship. HIS obsession with patterns and math …

Analyse the opening sequence and one other scene of the film ‘Gladiator’

Staring Russell Crowe as Maximus, the film ‘Gladiator’ shows a General who became a slave, the slave who became a Gladiator and the Gladiator who defied an Emperor. This blood thirsty epic film released in the year 2000 won 5 Oscars and focus’ on the power struggle of the Roman …

Analyse and evaluate Bronte’s presentation of Rochester and St John Rivers

Bronte portrays Rochester in a very different way to St John Rivers; you could say they are complete opposites. Rochester has very dark features, such as dark hair and dark eyes with a heavy brow yet he isn’t handsome. The impression we get of Rochester is that he is a …

An Unknown Girl

Moniza Alvi’s poem ‘An Unknown Girl’ in the edexcel literature anthology carries a powerful theme namely, nurturing one’s cultural identity. The poet drives home this message by portraying the unknown girl the ambassador of Indian culture. Likewise, Phylllis McCormack’s “Crabbit old woman” is a very inspirational poem as the poet …

An analysis of “Inception” movie

George Bernard Shaw said that life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. It is undeniable that human existence is the bottomless ocean that includes such things as strengths and weaknesses; internal experiences, and wishes. We may state that we are masters of our life and destiny. There …

An Analysis of Dominant Themes in Double Indemnity

Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity is a Hollywood classic of the femme fatale genre. The movie employs the ingredients of film noir, such as blind lighting and voice over narration, which have been emulated in the noir circles- but none of the subsequent movies come close to Wilder’s masterpiece. Another highlight …

Amir Character Literary Analysis

General Description of AmirEvery story has its main character. In The Kite Runner, Amir as the main character because of his dominant appearance from the beginning to the end of the story by showing his suffering toward conflict and anxiety he experienced about. Besides that, Amir is known as the …

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