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College Example Essays

Claudius Galen

Claudius Galen was a Greek physician who went to Rome and revived the ideas of Hippocrates and other Greek doctors. Galen favoured the observations of Hippocrates and other Greek doctors who lived at the time of Hippocrates. He put great emphasis on clinical observation – examining a patient very thoroughly …

Educational Theory of Socrates

The purpose of this essay is to give the reader an insight into the educational theories of Socrates. It is rather difficult to gain any information from first hand written accounts of Socrates work as he hardly ever took down notes and the only accounts that have stood the test …

Flower Arrangement

Horizontal flower arrangement- A very shallow container is used to make this type of flower arrangement. It has a single big flower as the focal point and drooping flower branches are added to each side. Rose is the main flower used as the focal point in this type of flower …

Frequency Distribution

Frequency distributions summarize and compress data by grouping it into classes and recording how many data points fall into each class. That is, they show how many observations on a given variable have a particular attribute. For example, a survey is taken of 50 people’s favorite color. The frequency distribution …

General Electric Company

I. Introduction, Meet GE General Electric or GE is a multifarious technology and financial services company; operating through energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, as well as, consumer and industrial. The company was instituted in 1892, via the merger of Edison Electric Company and Thompson-Houston Electric Company. It has stomached the economic …

Ghandi Salt March

In 1930 in order to help free India from British control, Mahatma Gandhi proposed a non-violent march protesting the British Salt Tax, continuing Gandhi’s pleas for civil disobedience. The Salt Tax essentially made it illegal to sell or produce salt, allowing a complete British monopoly. Since salt is necessary in …

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