College Example Essays

It has been a huge transition when writing papers in high school then turning around and writing them on a college level. One of my favorite things about this transition though is getting to have my teachers and more of my classmates actually help me through peer editing and revising …
“You Were Perfectly Fine” is a simple tale of two people who are completely out of sync, but either not aware of it (in the girl’s case) or not quite sure how to get out of it (in Peter’s case). Peter is a drunk, and when he’s drunk, he does …
Plan the structure, or framework, of the essay. A limit of 250 words is very short, but it must still follow conventional essay format and have an introduction, body and conclusion. Planning before writing helps keep the essay on track, especially when written under a time constraint. Limit the topic …
It is about the two brothers engaged in spear fishing. Litoy is being unfriendly and judgemental in his surroundings but he is a good, loving and caring older brother to Simo. Simo is a pompous type who tries to impress his older brother. At dawn the two brothers left the …
The Earth is 4.6 billion years old and microbial life is thought to have first appeared between 3.8 and 3.9 billion years ago; in fact, 80% of Earth’s history was exclusively microbial life. Microbial life is still the dominant life form on Earth. It has been estimated that the total …
When gas prices soar, most consumers have to reduce their spending on other things. If they could buy a $3.50 box of cereal for $1.39 or a $2.99 package of tomatoes for $0.99, and get the same or better quality, the supermarket might be the easiest place to start for …
“It must be Jelly, ’cause jam don’t shake”, A Story in Harlem Slang, by Zora Neale Hurston. Sweet Back and Jelly are two wanna-be pimps that are lost in a world full of wants just struggling to get by. Though Jelly and Sweet Back claim they have game, the woman …
1. What were the challenges that Shikhar Ghosh faced when he joined Appex? Do you agree with Ghosh’s assessment upon joining Appex that what the firm needed was ‘control and structure’? He found that there was no structure within the organization, that everyone would do what was convenient for them, …
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