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College Example Essays

Bioresonance Tumor Therapy

Electromagnetic waves are waves or periodic disturbances that do not need a medium to travel, unlike mechanical waves that do require a medium (solid, liquid or gas). Electromagnetic waves travel through vacuum and are caused by changes in electric and magnetic fields. Accelerating a charge creates electromagnetic waves and it …

Biopure Corporation

Problem Definition In February 1998 Biopure Corporation faced a difficult decision regarding the launch of its newly developed “blood substitute” products. Biopure had developed “Hemopure”, a blood substitute for humans, and an ancillary product “Oxyglobin” for the veterinary market1. Hemopure was still in the process of gaining Federal Drug Administration …

Conflicts and Frustrations

Conflict * It is the emotional state or condition in which people have to make difficult decisions about two or more competing motives, behaviors or impulses. * Kurt Lewin(was a German-American psychologist, known as one of the modern pioneers of social, organizational, and applied psychology) * He described two opposite …

Construction Project Analysis Index

1. INTRODUCTION: The project titled ‘The Agora Mall’ in Dubai is taken up for the construction project analysis. The project initiated in 2006 at the prime boom time taken up the ground works by early 2007 but ultimately got suspended in 2012 due to prolonged financial and other related issues …

Consumer Movement Features

The consumer is the center of all business activities. In modern days, it is said that the consumer is the king of the market. Business activities are carried out to satisfy, the wants of consumers. A commercial organization totally depends on the customer not only for its survival but also …

Cosmetic Contact Lenses Research Paper

In Asia, girls wearing the cosmetic contact lenses are already become trendy, it is very popular these few years. What are cosmetic contact lenses? When you go shopping or buying something online, you may seen some cosmetic contact lenses that they say wearing the cosmetic contact lenses you can get …

Depreciation on Fixed Assets

A business may acquire fixed assets such as land, buildings, machinery, office equipment, delivery equipment and natural resources (e.g. a piece if mining land)to help in the process of its operations to earn revenue in order to make a profit. Such assets, by their very nature, provide benefits to the …

Measure Angular Motion of a Mems-Based Gyroscope

The graduate students at GIKI have worked on the development of MEMS-based gyroscopes. For this purpose a rate table was required for the MEMS lab in order to test these gyroscopes. Hence this task was undertaken at undergraduate level in the form of a final year project. The purpose of …

Different Types of Fact Tables

A dimension table typically has two types of columns, primary keys to fact tables and textualdescreptive data. Fact -A fact table typically has two types of columns, foreign keys to dimension tables and measures those that contain numeric facts. A fact table can contain fact’s data on detail or aggregated …

Don’t Integrate Your Acquisitions, Partner with Them HBR Case Summary

“Don’t Integrate your Acquisitions, Partner with them”, an article written by Prashant Kale, Harbir Singh and Anand P. Raman, aims to investigate the concept of Partnering. The article was published in Harvard Business Review in December 2009, vol. 87. The 7 page long article concentrates on Merges and Acquisitions and …

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