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College Example Essays

Mind Theft and Intellectual Degradation

Since time immemorial, human beings were already familiar with distinguishing right from wrong. Taking any religious or philosophical perspective from anywhere in the world, the basic rules that govern humanity are to love one another by respecting each other and each other’s property, and to treat others the way you …

The Movie ''The Dreamers''

            The movie The Dreamers has much to do with youthful idealism.  It is set in the revolutionary period of the late 1960s when the youth of Paris revolt against, among other things, authority and what they view as a stale way of life.  In the beginning it involves viewing …

The Demon in Dame Van Winkle

            Dame Van Winkle is cast as the ultimate antagonist throughout the story “Rip Van Winkle.”  Though the readers never actually are allowed to “see” firsthand the endless horrible atrocities and abuse Rip suffers at the hand (and mouth) of Dame Van Winkle, we are reminded of it constantly throughout …

The Delphi Technique

The Delphi Method was developed at the RAND corporation in the early 1950s as a spin-off of an Air Force-sponsored research project, “Project Delphi.” Since that time it has been refined further and applied to gain information in a wide range of fields. These fields are as diverse as regional …

''The Darling'' by Anton Chekhov

Introduction Because of his experience and practice, Anton Chekhov’s style was very compressed and laconic. Chekhov’s short story The Darling is so laconic, so consistently concentrated, and its form is so many-layered, that if the reader wanted to comment on any of them, the comment would be much longer than …

The Roaring Twenties

“The Roaring Twenties” is a gritty and realistic film which takes as its theme, the “dark side” of the fabled “Jazz Age” era in America and the fallout from this era during the Depression of the 1930’s. While the film seeks toe examine the characters fist and foremost, it is …

The Younger Dryas

The Younger Dryas was an extremely rapid climate change that occurred during the last deglaciation of the North Atlantic region, Greenland, the West Coast of Canada, and also in the Southern Hemisphere . Ice core studies have focused on the abrupt termination of this event because this change was the …

Productivity Gains at Whirlpool

Workers and management at Whirlpool Appliance’s Benton Harbor plant in Michigan have set an example of how to achieve productivity gains, which has benefited not only the company and its stockholders, but Whirlpool customers and the workers themselves. Things weren’t always rosy at the plant. Productivity and quality weren’t good. …

Blind Side Movie Review

Michael Oher “Big Mike”, a homeless teenage African-American. Michael has no idea who his father is and his mother is a drug addict. Michael has been in foster care with different families throughout Memphis and Tennessee. Every time he is placed in a new home, he runs away. He was …

Favelas in Rio de Janeiro: A Hidden Crisis

Imagine a place where all the houses are constructed from mud, wood, rocks, or maybe sometimes brick. Where the people are dressed in rags and the children are involved in drugs and violence. Imagine a place where shootings occur weekly and practically everyone has lost a loved one. This is …

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