Christian Essays

I have seen some reports about this book, and most of them were nothing more than rehashing of what we already know about the Old Testament. Some took a favorite chapter or person and centered on it, while others gave a condensed summary of as many chapters as they could, …
Jonathan Swift was a talented author of his time who wrote intelligent and influential poetry in order to share his values. He was well educated and worked alongside various other distinguished authors and was the founder of a respected writers group which even included Alexander Pope. Swift had strong beliefs …
Poverty is a common problem in our society today. One cause of poverty is selfishness and because of selfishness there are a lot of innocent people suffering. Poverty is evidence that inequality really happens in our society. Poor people are often neglected and most of the people do not give …
Christianity and Buddhism, as one of the world’s three major religions, occupy very important position in the society, influence most of people. Maybe they have different religious doctrines and faiths, but they also share the similarities. First of all, I think that both Buddhism and Christianity can help people relieve …
Question: “What does the Bible say about white lies? Is a white lie okay if it is told to avoid hurting a person?” Answer:We know lying is a sin (Leviticus 19:11;Proverbs 12:22). But what about those “little white lies” that involve an ever-so-slight stretching of the truth? Do the small …
In the novel “The Poisonwood Bible”, Leah Price is described as the most intelligent child in the Family. With her strong admiration to her father’s religious perspective, she tries her best to be in good terms with him. In the “Poisonwood Bible”, Barbara Kingsolver, uses vivid imagery, biblical allusions, and …
It has been stated that, “In entire angles of the creation and in whole ages of past, individuals have speculated about the significance of lifecycle, how to make the greatest of it, what take place later, and if there is someone or something available there. He instigates to search for …
Chances are if you grew up in the south, then you most likely have been to a church service before. I remember as a kid getting the wakeup call every Sunday morning from my mom, “Get up and get dressed for church!” Even if I did not feel like going, …
A. Compare the terms shepherd and pastor. – In the New Testament the bible says, and he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers (KJV Ephesians 4:11). The word pastor used here in Greek is ποιμήν, or poimēn meaning shepherd, is to tend …
John MacArthur and a team of authors from the staff of the Masters College and Seminary combine their pastoral expertise and resources to publish the book, Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically. This book is targeted to seasoned pastors and men and women who are just beginning ministry. There are …
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