Christian Essays

Every passage of Scriptures in the New Testament arises in the field of history, which is the reason to read and interpret the Bible within context, we need to read it within its historical context that accounts for the author and the original readers. When considering the primary and initial …
Christianity, a at least 2000 year old religion and possibly the most popular in the world, with over 2 billion adherents, is what 90% of a group of fifteen to eighteen year old students answered when they were asked which religion first comes to mind when they hear the word …
Millions of people are living in extreme poverty, in many cases they are denied access to proper services, energy, water, health, and above all the opportunities to improve their economic and social outlook. There is always the question of who is poor and how do we describe poverty? According to Bunting, …
Beliefs can come from your personal perspective on things, or the way you were taught from someone else. My beliefs about life are broad, meaning everyday either I gain a new belief or I lose some type of belief about somethings. Religion can be very confusing to me because of …
The way that God, our Creator, intends for us to live is known by every human being. How God intends for us to live is called God’s will or God’s law; Jesus referred to God’s law as His commandment or word. Jesus taught that it is God’s will for us …
Marriage: Christians believed that marriage is a solemn agreement between two people in God’s eyes and in people’s eyes. It means that if a couple is already married, they should take it seriously and don’t take it as not a lifetime commitment. Because that is what marriage meant. It means …
War is defined as armed hostilities between peoples, frequently different nations, sometimes between different parties within a nation, as in a civil war, or between one small group and the state, as in a guerrilla war. For followers of world religions often caught up in conflict, war poses fundamental questions …
When read in sequence there are many contradictory statements between Genesis chapter one and two. The origins of the world and order of creation are for example different. Although within the same holy text, the two chapters provide contrasting theories on creation. This creates problems with understanding the nature of …
Intro: The introduction of Catholic Emancipation was seen as a very historic moment for the Irish Catholic and its forefront campaigner Daniel O’Connell. Its success has been pinpointed to the fact that the British Government were very weak and had to introduce the policy as they feared the Irish would …
1. Contemporary Aboriginal Spiritualties 2.1. Discuss how Aboriginal spirituality is determined by the Dreaming: * Kinship * Refers to the complex relationships of blood and spirit that exists between Aboriginal people; based on familial and totem relations that govern Aboriginal life by determining clan issues. * The Dreaming has determined …
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