Pop Essays

Mystici Corporis Christi is a papal encyclical issued by Pope Pius XII during World War II on the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ. It is one of the more important encyclicals of Pope Pius XII, because of its topic, the Church, and because its Church concept was fully …
Filipino teenage martyr Pedro Calungsod is set to join the altar of saints when Pope Benedict XVI leads the canonization ceremony at the Vatican City on Sunday, October 21, 2012. With the meager historical information written about him, Blessed Pedro’s life can be written in a few paragraphs. Thus, the …
The intervening period between the first and second Vatican Council was a time for both social and religious revolution. After World War Two, the new medium of television bought the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Liberation debate and many other social and political issues into the lounge rooms of millions …
1. How did Justinian rule? Was he a benevolent or malevolent ruler, why? 2. When was the zenith of byzantine civilization, why? 3. What were some challenges to the Byzantine Empire? 4. Describe the social and economic characteristics of the Byzantine Empire 5. What were some differences b/w East & …
To what extent was the papacy successful in asserting its dominance over the Western Church? The extent to which the papacy asserted dominance over the Western Church has been greatly disputed amongst historians. Certain historians would argue that there is little to suggest that the pope had control from inside …
1.) The Pope says that 1985 has been proclaimed by the United Nations Organization International Youth Year, and this is of great significance to the youth of the world. He says that this significance of youth is the Church. Man is the fundamental and at the same time the daily …
1. What were the underlying and precipitating causes of the Hundred Years’ War? What advantages did each side have? Why were the French able to drive the English almost entirely out of France? The first underlying and precipitating cause of the Hundred Years’ War was that England and France were …
Sidney McClure (1857-1949) created the first literary syndicate and developed “muckraking,” which established him as one of America’s notable editors. He was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and emigrated with his widowed mother to Indiana when he was nine years old. He grew up nearly impoverished on a farm and …
During the postclassical era, 325 to 1100 ce, Christianity grew widely throughout Rome. It was a threat to other religions especially in the Byzantine Empire. The various changes the occurred during this era all lead up to the Great Schism, which ultimately divided Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church and …
1. He spoke out against frivolous spending by the Church The average set of cardinal’s clothes costs as much as $20,000. In October, Pope Francis urged officials to dress more modestly and not to squander such money. In the same month, he ordered a German bishop to explain how he …
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