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Bacteria Essays

Microbiology Lab Argumentative

The primary focus of this lab was on microscopy and simple stains. Crystal violet and Carbol fuchsine, simple staining components, were used to stain the slide in order to see the different microbes in order to determine their cellular shape and identify unknown ones by comparing. Introduction Bacterial cells are …

Aseptic Technique & Culturing Microbes

A. What is the difference between a bactericidal and bacteriostatic agent? Between sterilization and disinfecting? Bactericidal agent refers to substances used to kill bacteria while bacteriostatic agent refers to substances used to restrict or to inhibit bacteria cells growth. Sterilization is the complete destruction or elimination of all viable organisms …

Bunsen burner

The purpose of this report is to use different tests to discover what bacteria is the unknown. This is important because we need to know what test need to be done to rule out different bacteria when testing. There are different tests done for gram negative and gram positive bacteria. …

Living organisms

1. What does it mean when scientists say that living organisms share a universal genetic code? All living organisms are similar genetically, for example, a human could be 99.5% similar to a chimpanzee and 5% genetically similar to a frog. 2. Based on the amino acid sequence data for the …

Overcoming the Perils of Canoe Lake

The integumentary system acts as a barrier to many potentially harmful threats such as UV rays, harmful organisms, and forces that would damage the skin. The human body is its own natural defense system, and it will attack anything that threatens its homeostatic environment. If a slight cut in the …

Bacterial Growth Rates

1.Mediums that could be used to determine shigellosis include Btilliant Green Agar, and Triple Sugar-Iron Agar. Expected results in a confirmed case of shigellosis are as follows: Brilliant Green Agar – Isolated Shigella colonies which do not ferment lactose or sucrose and appear red or white in color with no …

Kamias as Stain Remover

Averrhoa bilimbi L. (IBA / KAMIAS) Extract as Stain Remover l. Introduction A. Background of the studyStains are the most common problem of people living now a day because of too much works. We can remove it using a commercial stain remover, but these are harmful for it contains substances …

Lab Module 1

A. List the following parts of the microscope, AND Briefly describe the function of each part. A. Eyepiece – transmits and magnifies the image from the objective lens to the eye. B. Main tube – moves vertically for focusing C. Nosepiece– holds the objective lenses and rotates them. D. Objective …

Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites

Bacteria are living things that are neither plants nor animals, but belong to a group all by themselves. They are very small–individually not more than one single cell–however there are normally millions of them together, for they can multiply really fast.Bacteria are prokaryotes (single cells that do not contain a …

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