Bacteria Essays

* Eukaryotic * Unicellular * Microorganisms * Asexual/sexual reproduction * Flagella & Cilia with 9+2 microtubules ORIGIN * The term “protist” is derived from the Greek protiston, meaning the “first of all ones.” * Individual protists tend to be quite small, either unicellular or an undifferentiated multicellular mass. At one …
Identification and classification of bacteria is important to make easier manipulation on the bacteria for various purposes such as for medical, research, developmental, and biotechnicalfieldsThe cell wall is the basis for classification of bacteria according to the Gram stain. Accordingto the chemical make up of bacterial cell wall, a staining …
Stromatolites are rock-like structures of multi-layered sheets of microorganisms (microbial mats) that form in limestone. Stromatolites generally form from the trapping and binding of particles by microorganisms e.g. algae and bacteria, and grow upward to get light from photosynthesis. Stromatolites provide scientists with some of the oldest records of early …
Although bacteria is microscopic in size, it is largely important in the healthcare field, environmental work, food preparation, as well as many other industries. In particular, it is essential that healthcare workers be able to identify the species of bacteria invading a human reservoir in order to prescribe the correct …
Bamboo Fiber is a regenerated cellulose fiber produced from raw bamboo pulp . First, bamboo pulp is refined from bamboo through a process of hydrolysisalkalization and multi-phase bleaching. The bamboo pulp is then processed into bamboo fiber. Repeated tests have proved it has strong durability, stability and tenacity and the …
The Earth is 4.6 billion years old and microbial life is thought to have first appeared between 3.8 and 3.9 billion years ago; in fact, 80% of Earth’s history was exclusively microbial life. Microbial life is still the dominant life form on Earth. It has been estimated that the total …
For this experiment we will be testing four different bacteria with four different tests, using glucose, lactose, and sucrose. Hopefully we will use the information from those test to be able to identify the organisms in each of the samples from the case studies. We will use the results from …
Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites? -Viruses aren’t living. They’re only made of complex proteins and nucleic acids. Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites are living organisms. – Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms. Fungi and Parasites are multicellular. – Fungi have cell walls made of chitin and they aren’t animals. Parasites …
Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death in the world from a bacterial infectious disease. The disease affects 1.8 billion people/year which is equal to one-third of the entire world population. In the United States TB is on the decline. In 2007 a total of 13,293 cases were reported. …
Abstract The Unknown Gram Negative bacterium inoculated in a Tryptic Soy broth medium was randomly selected from a group of other unknowns. In order to identify this unknown the seven different types of biochemical tests will be conducted on this unknown bacterium to identify it out of 6 possible bacteria; …
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