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Addiction Essays

The Pharmaceutical Industry

Historically the pharmaceutical industry has been a profitable one. Between 2002 and 2006, the average rate of return on invested capital (ROIC) for firms in the industry was 16.45%. Put differently, for every dollar of capital invested in the industry, the average pharmaceutical firm generated 16.45 cents of profit. This …

Workaholism: A Social Problem of The Present

In the modern society, the problem of workaholism is quite acute. According to studies, most strongly this illness affects employees in Japan and the UK; this issue is relevant for the U.S.as well. There have always been people who work more than others and could not imagine their life without …

Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse

Childhood abuse occurs nationwide among a variety of races and ethnicities. It affects several children emotionally, physically, psychologically, and sexually. According to the article How to Recognize and Respond to Child Abuse, “Anyone under age 18 who’s been neglected or abused by a parent or someone responsible for his care …

Choice vs Disease

This essay will look to outline the different arguments in that; addiction to a substance is a choice of one’s free will, or is it a disease element in our bio chemical or physical make up? It will consider, if addiction extends from genes inherited from parents or forefathers, or …

High School Bullying

School bullying is a type of bullying in which occurs during the time period a child is in school. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional. According to a study by Yale, bullying victims are at least 70% more likely to commit suicide than non-victims. Bullying happens everywhere, in all …

How the Above Policy and Procedures Help Children/Young People

Analyse how the above policy and procedures help children/young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after. In this assignment, I will be analysing how the above policy and procedures help children/young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after in recommendation to a …

Man in the Well

The main themes in “The Man in the Well” are identity and responsibility. The children in the story have no problem being unkind toward the man, telling him that “[their] dad is almost here” (Sher 118), until the man learns the names of the kids, revealing their identities. Small children …

Research on Facebook Addiction

Introduction Why has the social network website Facebook become so popular and virtually affecting millions of people across the globe? What is it with Facebook that has everyone glued to it day and night? Facebook is a social networking site created by a student of Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg, in …

Safeguarding in Health and Social Care Argumentative

“Single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress including physical, emotional, verbal, financial, sexual, racial abuse, neglect and abuse through misapplication of drugs.” Abuse can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. However, …

Smoking vs. Non-Smoking

Abstract: Persuasive essay on why the production and sale of cigarettes should not be banned. Includes, opposing arguments and refutes to the opposing claims. Call to action asking non-smokers to try to better understand the issue from the smoker’s point of view and come to a compromise. Keywords: Nicotine, Addiction, …

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