Empowerment Of Girl Child Is Empowering

- Pages: 2
- Word count: 282
- Category: Education Empowerment
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Order NowIf a woman is educated and enlightened about everything she can take the family forward socially, economically and of course, morally. If a family progresses this way, a district progresses, a state progresses, and finally the country progresses. She takes the role of a wife,a mother etc .In fact she plays multiple roles in her family. She stands like a boulder even when she has enough pressures but she keeps smiling to her family. The recent atrocities against women show that if she is empowered such things will not happen. At the same time men should consider women as their counterparts. According to the RIGHT TO EDUCATION ACT,every child of the age of 6-14 years shall have a right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education.It is always said that girls are no way inferior to boys.But actually what do they get from the society?A whole range of discriminatory practices including female foeticide,female infanticide,early marriage and dowry, which have buried the future of girl child.
It seems very difficult to empower the girl child.Our society is still suffering from many weaknesses.Instead of giving them education,they are being subjected to sufferings under likes of Purdah System.Education for the girls is more important as she not only builds the home, but all routine responsibilities are completed by her.Today’s girl child will be the mother of tomorrow.In ancient times, girls’ education played significant place in the society.Gargi Mitreyi played a very encouraging role in spreading girls’ education to a great extent.That is why, empowering the girl child is the best way to empower the nation.So we conclude with this motto. TEACH A GIRL:EDUCATE A NATION”