Database Analysis and Database Design Project – DVD Library For Moving Images

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1163
- Category: Library Management Project
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Order NowMoving Images operates a DVD library. The library has a large number of titles, each title having at least one copy. Each title falls into a specific category some of these are adventure, thriller, fantasy, action or education. (There are others)
All titles are loan only to registered members of Moving Images. Information is keep about the members is only personal details including name, address and contact number.
Any titles overdue incur a surcharge of 50% of the loan fee.
As an employee of a software company, you are required to design a Relational Database for Moving Images. The client requires that information is stored so that they can maintain details of all of their DVD’s, they wish to track loaned titles and check on overdue titles. They also require the facility to produce ad-hoc reports.
You need to use appropriate Data Analysis and Database Design Techniques to structure your data and build the database system. Notes must be made in all stages of the process from Analysis through to Implementation and Testing.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. Design Small Databases
1.1 Apply data analysis and design techniques for a given context
1.2 Verify that a design meets user requirements
1.3 Use appropriate software to document designs
2. Implement and use Databases
2.1 Use a variety of tools to convert logical designs to physical databases.
2.2 Use and maintain data in a relational database system.
1. Data Analysis and Database Design
(a)Produce a detailed data requirements specification for Moving Images. (Learning outcome 1.1)
The requirement specification should enable you to identify the appropriate entities, relationships between entities and the attributes associated with the entities and relationship types. It must also include the features of the database which are defined as:
* Forms that include the ability to add, delete, edit all titles and membership details.
* Lists of titles/members according to stated criteria
* Report based on queries.
(b)Produce a short report (Learning outcome 1.2)
* Verify and evaluate that your design matches the requirements of the company and justify how each of the requirements is matched by your design
2. Data Modelling (Learning outcome 1.1 and 1.3)
Build a Conceptual Data Model of the system using Entity Relationship Modelling Techniques and produce the following:
* Draw an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) for the system showing cardinality using Chen notation for the above narrative.
* Produce a Logical Entity Relationship Model that resolves any cardinality or participation problems in the Conceptual Model
* Provide a database schema with detailed design and analysis notes demonstrating how data has been normalised to third normal form.
* Produce a Data Dictionary for three related entities showing the name, description, data type, field size, constraint and any default values for each attribute.
3. Implement and use Databases (Learning outcome 2.1 and 2.2)
Using Microsoft Access 97, 2000 or Xp to implement your database you must ensure that your database is robust and able to record information correctly. Validation should be used. The users should find the system easy and attractive to use. They should have the ability to produce ad-hoc queries and print out other reports with the confidence that they will be correct.
All data entry screens should be user friendly, which will include well laid out forms with titles, field names and concise instructions for entering data into multiple tables.
The database must be rigorously tested with specifically designed test data that demonstrates the effective use of validation and the resulting error messages. You should have at least 20 records in all tables to ensure that the validation checks are effective.
The following activities must be performed:
* Design the tables and identify Primary and Foreign Keys
* Define the relationships between the tables
* Create suitable data entry forms
* Enter Test Data
* Create at least five relevant queries to interrogate the database
* Create and print reports that present a consistent and professional image which are accurate and complete
I have been given the task to design a database for a company call Moving images.
Moving images is a company that rents out DVDs for their register member, each member can take a DVD and that information will be store in to the system until the DVD has been return.
Moving images is a DVD shop (to rent DVDs), as we been informed the company is growing and so are the numbers of DVDs and the number of customers which means the staff need access to this information faster than before.
The management of Moving Images is requesting prototypes from different designers.
Database will allow the user to enter new and view existing information in to the system using Microsoft Access.
These are the specification for the system, what the user needs to get from the system
Add new customer
Edit customer’s details
Add new DVDs
Edit DVDs’ details
Rent DVDs (only to register members)
Track Loans
Each DVD must have at least one copy. (Must have DVD titles, actor director, producer, rating and category)
Different categories. (Must have sci-fi, comedy, Action, education, foreign films, family and thriller)
DVDs can only be rented to register member. (must have member name, address, and telephone number)
Surcharge must be applicable for DVDs that are return late. (50% surcharge of the original price, it could either be daily or as the total without counting how many days the DVD was late)
There are many advantages of using a computerized system for Moving Images they are:
The files can be backed up, if the computer is affect by a virus or the system crashes or if there is a fire, then no all files will be lost .
It could be update or change more easily.
The files could be found more easily.
As we can see on the conceptual model below, there is a M:N relationship, a database cannot be create when there is a M:N relationship.
On the logical model below, we can see that the M:N relationship is no longer on our diagram.
The way I solved this was by creating a intersection entity called loan, this table will have a primary key of its own and two foreign keys, one from the members table and the other one from the DVDs table that way the relationship between the three tables will be create.