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Comparison/Contrast Chart

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As you read, fill in the chart comparing and contrasting the two stories. At the bottom, be sure to write a paragraph explaining the meaning gained by Goethe’s allusion to the story of Job in his “Prologue in Heaven.”

Facts unique to Job


Facts unique to Faust
God gives Satan access to Job but doesn’t allow Satan to lay a finger on Job. Satan is only allowed to demolish his family and possessions during the first test. God gives Satan permission to destroy the lives, but not life, of the Lord’s servant. The Lord and the devil place a wager on whether Faust will give in and curse the Lord, to be led by the devil.

There is an allusion to the Garden of Eden.

Goethe uses the allusion to the story of Job in his “Prologue in Heaven” to describe how bad things happen to people, but one must overcome these bad things. In the Prologue in Heaven, God allowed Satan to tempt on of his best servants, to prove to the devil that his servant wouldn’t give in and betray the Lord. In Job, the same thing occurs, the Lord allows Satan to take everything from Job, to prove to the devil that Job wouldn’t leave the Lord in his hard times, but instead, would be strengthen by this tragic event, the loss of all his family and possessions. This is an excellent allusion to tell people that the worst things happen to the best people, to make them stronger in their faith or in what they do.

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