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Alcoholism Addiction

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What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is when you abuse alcohol, you continue to drink even though you know your drinking is causing problems. If you continue to abuse alcohol, it can lead to alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is also called alcoholism. You are physically or mentally addicted to alcohol. You have a strong need, or craving, to drink. You feel like you must drink just to get by. For more than millions of people have been affected by an addict that destroyed their life or in some cases has been that addict that destroyed his or her own life. For men, more than 4 drinks in a day, or more than 14 drinks per week. For women, more than 3 drinks in a day, or more than 7 drinks per week. People who drink more than the maximum limits are at high risk of becoming alcoholics. It was said in the article called “The alcohol dependence syndrome” by Tim stock basically describes what alcohol is .Our bodies will ‘run on alcohol’, though it is an unhealthy fuel for us that leads to depletion of specific nutrients including zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and some B-complex vitamins, among others. A vicious cycle often ensues when nutritional deficiencies develop.

The body’s natural energy system becomes crippled and lethargy develops. This can cause a craving for alcohol as the fuel of choice, since it uses a different metabolic pathway to produce energy in the body. Once one begins drinking alcohol the nutrient deficiencies worsen, and this further increases the cravings for alcohol or sugar. Though alcohol is makes you feel excitement, happiness and relaxation it is in fact a depressant. Alcohol in the bloodstream causes impairment of motor co-ordination and slows down central nervous system activity, which gives the impression of clumsiness and can lead to alcohol related accidents. The more intoxicated a person has slurred speech, blurred vision and the loss of balance. It switches off the part of the brain that controls judgment which can result in greater risk taking. Drinking in very large amounts can damage vital bodily functions which may lead to coma, or even death. Alcohol also impairs the memory of an intoxicated person which reduces the drinker’s ability to remember information that he or she has learned before going out for drinks. In addition, the attention span of the drinker radically decreases for periods of up to forty-eight hours after drinking.

This may affect the academic performance of a student and his or her ability to study in class. Furthermore consumption of alcohol can damage the functioning of the immune system. Hence, this will increase the chance of getting colds and other diseases. Drinking for long periods of time can have harmful effects on the body, alcohol is in fact a poisonous substance, having it circulating in the body will contribute to severe intestinal dysfunction. In my 2nd article called “Effects of Alcohol on Tumor Growth, Metastasis, Immune Response, and Host Survival.” By Gary g describes the different effects that alcohol has on different people surrounding them. Over the past two decades, many researchers have identified subgroups of alcohol and drug user based in similarities like drinking style behavior problems, etiology, outcome, and other clinically significant phenomena; making the most major the antisocial, primarily neurotic, mixed neurotic and antisocial, and psychotic.

But the antisocial features have been the most prominent between all the subtypes; especially on drug user. Questions that may come in mind
 is 1. How addiction impact family and social relationships? 2. Do alcohol and drug addictions have relationship with crime? 3. What is the economic cost related to alcohol and drug addiction? Drug and alcohol abuse is a large problem for adults in our world today. It is destructive, not just in terms of its effect on the addict but for the suffering it inflicts on the loved ones and family Though the addict may have no conscious intention of harming his companions and relatives, his self-destructive actions are a source of anguish for anyone with genuine affection for him/her. One of the most common situations is when the partner tries to hide the addict’s behavior from family member, co-workers, employer or general public. This type of behavior is known as Codependence.

A codependent partner will make up excuses for the addict’s work absences or a car accident; even will tries to clean up any legal messes resulting from the addict’s behavior; allowing the addict to continue his destructive path without dealing with its consequences. Consequences that can go from continuous fights to elevated levels of domestic violence. Most the time related to financial hardships, causes by the addict’s need to buy drugs, as well as from his inability to find consistent employment. Families impacted by addiction are more likely to experience divorce. When all methods of dealing with the addiction have failed, partners will see no other recourse but to separate. Unfortunately the children end up been the most affected, not only they are forced to participate in parental fights but also, eventually they have to deal with the parent’s separation. The effects that a parent’s addiction environment will inflict on their children may hunt the child forever. In my third article called “Alcohol and hiv effects on the immune systems” by Gregory J goes in depth of what can alcohol do to your body. In 1994 a survey was taken among one hundred and forty nationwide college campuses.

Of the students surveyed, forty-four percent were binge drinkers Nineteen percent were frequent binge drinkers. Of these students who claim to be binge drinkers, forty-seven percent experienced five or more drinking related problems including injuries and unplanned sex. Students who are not binge drinkers at schools with higher binge rates were more likely than students at schools with low binge rates to experience problems such as being pushed, hit, assaulted, or experiencing unwanted sexual advance. Between ten and twenty percent of total health care costs can be attributed to alcohol-related health problems. About twenty to forty percent of all patients admitted to medical, surgical, and psychiatric wards have disorders related to substance abuse. Alcohol should never be mixed with medications of any kind. One problem with this is that alcohol decreases the effectiveness of medications.

There are also many unwanted side effects that occur when alcohol and medication interact. Some of these side effects include excessive drowsiness, impaired coordination, stomach irritation, nausea and vomiting. It is also important to remember that alcohol is a sedative and will strengthen the effects of any medication containing a sedative. About two hundred thousand deaths per year can be attributed to drinking. Alcoholism itself reduces life expectancy by ten to twelve years. Between twenty and thirty-five percent of suicide victims have had a history of alcohol abuse or had been drinking shortly before their suicides. Alcohol can kill in many different ways. These include overdose, accidents, violence and medical problems.

Some of these medical problems are: heart disease, cancer, gastrointestinal and liver problems, pneumonia and other infections, mental and neurological disorders, skin disorders, muscle disorders, bone disorders, hormonal effects, diabetes, malnutrition, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), ulcers, variations in blood pressure, vitamin deficiency, obesity and sexual difficulties. Some of the mental and neurological disorders include: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Manic Depressive Disorder and Schizophrenia. Alcoholics are also two to three times more likely to smoke than other people. This brings countless more medical problems to throw into the mix with all of the alcohol-related problems.


1. Stockwell, Tim. “The Alcohol Dependence Syndrome: A Legacy of Continuing Clinical and Scientific Importance.” Addiction 110 (2015): 8-11. ProQuest. Web. 5 June 2015. 2. Meadows, Gary G., PhD., and Hui Zhang PhD. “Effects of Alcohol on Tumor Growth, Metastasis, Immune Response, and Host Survival.” Alcohol Research 37.2 (2015): E1-E20. ProQuest. Web. 5 June 2015. 3. Bagby, Gregory J., PhD., et al. “Alcohol and HIV Effects on the Immune System.” Alcohol Research 37.2 (2015): E1-E11. ProQuest. Web. 5 June 2015.

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