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English Debate

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  • Word count: 838
  • Category: Debate

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My dear first opponent of the opposition team keep on stressing over and over again on how much we as a so called ā€œnew generationā€ benefit more from present hobbies than past time hobbies. But to our dismay ladies and gentlemen, she obviously is not being clear to herself regarding our motion today which I will now read it out loud as ā€œPresent Hobbies are not as interesting as Past Hobbiesā€. We are not discussing on what are the positive traits of present hobbies to our convenience but instead we are talking about why, the reasons, why do present hobbies are being regard not as interesting as past hobbies? What is it about past hobbies that have caught our senses into thinking that; ā€œWell, this is interesting. But hey, look. This is way more interesting!ā€

Regarding to her rebuttals towards the first speaker of the government team arguments; the first opponent stress that past hobbies are not creative enough compared to present hobbies. Now, allow me to ask, to what extent do the opposition team refers creativity as? Because as much as I can remember the game ā€œupih kelapaā€ were only innovated using the coconut leaves and ā€œbaling seliparā€ were discovered by using a pair of slippers. Isnā€™t that considered creative enough when we discover something new? Creativity is such subjective matter for us to discuss about that it may costs us another debate with the government and opposition restlessly argue on whose stand are better than other. So, let us do a favour and leave the creativity out of the discussion.

Secondly, the opponent exclaimed that we, the government team are being bias by only discussing past time hobbies that involve traditional games. My dear ladies and gentlemen, we are Malaysian. Thus, with the reason to take examples that are close to our heart and current situation the government choose traditional games because those are our past time hobbies. Again am I to stress that no matter what examples that the government applied, ourĀ arguments are general and can be applied to all types of past time hobbies.

So, a very pleasant morning a bid to first and foremost Mr Chairperson Sir, honourable adjudicators, punctual time keeper, respected opponents of the opposition team, fellow colleagues and last but not least ladies and gentlemen, members of the hall. On this blissful morning, I, Amirul Hakim bin Fatim Nadir, as the 2nd speaker of the government team would like to emphasize on one more concrete argument that makes us strongly propose that ā€œPresent Hobbies are not as interesting as Past Hobbiesā€. Now, let us all take a deep breathe, sit back and relax as we listen and understand the element that I am going to present.

Our third argument of the day lies under the word ā€˜rareā€™.

My dear ladies and gentlemen, please, do tell me when is the last time do you hear the term ā€œkonda-kondiā€? Is it yesterday? Is it last week? Is it last year? Or let me rephrase. Have you ever heard anything related to the phrase ā€œkonda-kondiā€? Precisely, I am trying to make you clear on a situation that happens in reality and not based on assumptions; past hobbies are rare among us who the opposition refers as the new generation. And based on that justification, we, on the government side whole-heartedly believe that present hobbies are not as interesting as past hobbies under the circumstances that present hobbies are common nowadays. We canā€™t deny the fact that present hobbies are now usual and ordinary activities that we do in the present because after all, that is the reason why we call them present hobbies.

It is difficult enough to find the equipment of past time hobbies nowadays what not to come across people who play past hobbies such as ā€œkonda-kondiā€ that when we actually found one, it flits across our mind that ā€œHey, what are they playing? It looks kind of fun. Let me watch them playing.ā€ Can you see the irony? Past hobbies may be referred as past hobbies, but for us ā€œthe new generationā€; it is something beyond our horizon that we have not had the chance to explore. To that, we return to our basic nature as human being who loves to try and discover new things and from that basic nature again IĀ stress that present hobbies are not as interesting as past hobbies in the term that present hobbies are just mere practice to us nowadays.

In a nutshell, we are truly confident that present hobbies are not as interesting as past hobbies with the justification that relies under our three arguments presented which are ā€œnatureā€, ā€œsimpleā€ and ā€œrareā€. It looks like our respected opponents are being left without any choice but to agree with us, who fully propose the motion today which is ā€œPresent Hobbies are not as interesting as Past Hobbiesā€. With that, I end my speech and as I quote from John Bon Jovi, ā€œHave a Nice Dayā€.

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