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There are many different meanings to the word spirituality. Spirituality can be defined in several different ways, as it pertains to different worldviews. Throughout this paper we will look at and discuss worldview as it related to pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Worldviews have been known to be a matter of the heart. Every person has a world view, “A worldview is a commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) that we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being,” (Sire, 2015). Pluralism

Pluralism is a worldview where the members of minority groups structure their culture based on acceptance and diversity. These common traits all strive for the common good of all and also realize there is some truth in other beliefs, (Pluralism,2015). These types of theorists stress how important it is to be tolerant of other religions. However, these theorists do not tend to deviate from the beliefs of their people; they strive to maintain their independent cultural traditions. Scientism

Scientism is a worldview that is based on the scientific method. “All that ‘is’ and all that ‘can be known’ is verifiable of falsifiable through the scientific method and that which cannot be measured is simply an opinion, belief or fantasy,” (Scientism, 2007). Theorists with the belief of this type of worldview believe that everything that has existed has at some point been scientifically proven, by using the appropriate method. This does not exclude new advancements in science which will enable the proof of other existence. Scientism theorists view that empirical science constitutes the most authoritative worldview or most valuable part of human learning to the exclusion of other viewpoints. Postmodernism

The concept of postmodernism worldview focuses on the benefits that science brings. Postmodernism worldview theorists also recognize that while science brings many benefits, science alone cannot give meaning to life. These postmodern theorists say that the world is made up of energy and this energy can be manipulated, (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Postmodern theorists no longer focus on good versus evil, but they welcome the philosophy which no longer separates spiritual from material realities. This way of thinking has become very persuasive. Prime reality

Prime reality is defined as the infinite, personal God, revealed in the Holy Scriptures, or prime reality is defined as the material cosmos. “The theistic God is triune in nature, no other God is like this God. This characteristic of God cannot be gleaned by looking out into the heavens or by studying the cosmos. General revelation of God will not reveal this to us, only a special revelation of God will lead us to the truth of his being a trinity. The trinity confirms the communal, ‘personal’ nature of ultimate being. God is not only there-an actual existing being; he is personal and we can relate to him in a personal way,” (Alin, 2015). This god is transcendent and immanent, omniscient, sovereign, and good. A human being

When asked what a human being is, one can describe a human being as being a creature capable of questioning concepts such as “who am I?” and “why am I here?” in order to give meaning to their existence, (Creech, 2015). A human being can also be described as a complex machine or a person made from the image of God. After death

Many have often wondered what happens to a person after death; do they go to heaven or to hell? Are we as humans reincarnated? Or does one experience a transformation to a higher state? What a human being believes happens to a person after death is a belief that has usually been acquired from what their religion and culture teaches them. In Christianity it is believed that to die and go to heaven would be the reward for living a life without sin, a life that is meaningful. However, Christianity teaches us that we are supposed to preserve life and avoid intentional death to ourselves and to others at all possible cost. Knowing anything

To determine one’s personal worldview they might ask, why is it possible to know anything at all? Some may answer that we as human beings are made in the image of an all-knowing God, allowing us to absorb his knowledge and information. It is believed that god has built human beings with the capacity to know things. Others say that consciousness and rationality of the human race developed under the need of survival in a long process of evolution. Right from wrong

How do we as human beings know what is right or what is wrong? From infancy most of us are taught by our parents what is right and what is wrong morally. We are brought up being taught proper morals and ethics. We are taught that as citizens of this country we are to follow the laws that in place by each state in which we live. As Christians we are guided by our faith and taught by that faith and in church as to what is right and what is wrong. Being a nurse, we are guided in our daily acts of care by the laws of our state board and a moral compass which stems from our religious beliefs. Human history

What is the meaning of human history? Human history is thought to be linear, a series of natural events that just happen. The bible says, “The meaning of history is: Creating, Fall, and Redemption. God is sovereign and in total control of the world. He has a plan and He’s carrying it out. He created man to have fellowship with him. Man sinned, and God will judge him for his sins. But God has a plan by which man can be reconciled to God,” (Bible.org,2015). Conclusion

Everyone has a worldview, from having a casual thought such as what do I want to eat? To a serious question of who am I in this life? A worldview is the center heart of every human being. From this center of every human all thoughts and actions proceed. One may feel that they have no idea what a worldview is so how could they have one? Once someone discovers their worldview it can serve as, “a significant step toward self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-understanding,” (Sire, 2015).


Aline, P. (2015). The Christian Theistic Worldview. Retrieved from http://patoralin.come/what-is-christian-theism/
Creech Ph.D., R. (2015). What Is a Human Being? Retrieved from http://www.exploregod.com/what-is-a-human-being Pluralism definition-what does pluralism mean? (2015). Retrieved from http://www.allaboutreligion.org/pluralism-definition-faq.htm Shelly, J., & Miller, A. (2006). Called to care a Christian worldview for nursing (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press. Sire, J. (2015). 8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer. Retrieved May 18, 2015, fromhttp://www.christianity.com/theology/other-religions-beliefs/8-questions-every-worldview-must-answer.html?p=0 The Specter of Scientism. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.naturalism.org/scientism.htm 9. What is the Meaning of History? (2015). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from https://bible.org/seriespage/9-what-meaning-history

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