Steroids & Athletes

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- Category: Steroids
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Order NowAccording to the Medical Dictionary of steroids are defined as “A general class of chemical substances that are structurally related to one another and share the same chemical skeleton (a tetracyclic cyclopenta[a]phenanthrene skeleton).”[1]
Encyclopedia Britannica Online defines them as “Any of a class of natural or synthetic organic chemical compounds characterized by a molecular structure of 17 carbon atoms arranged in four rings. In the parent structure (named gonane and referred to as the steroid nucleus), the carbon atoms are bonded to 28 hydrogen atoms.”[2]
Another definition is provided by the Science and Technology Encyclopedia: “Any of a group of organic compounds belonging to the general class of biochemicals called lipids, which are easily soluble in organic solvents and slightly soluble in water.”[3]
Steroids defined above are organic compounds occurring naturally throughout both plant and animal kingdoms. They are fat soluble compounds (lipid) that have a number of important functional roles. Their main characteristic is the carbon skeleton that has four fused rings. The functional groups of steroids are attached to the four rings. Numerous distinct steroids have been identified in plants, animals and fungi. All steroids are derived from sterols: lanosterol (animals and fungi) or the sterol cycloartenol (plants).[i]
“Steroids are quite diverse and include the sterols (such as cholesterol) of vertebrates, bile acids from the liver, all sex hormones, adrenal cortical hormones (corticosteroids), toad poisons, and products of the digitalis plant used to treat heart disease. Hormonal steroids are synthesized from cholesterol in the body. The biosynthetic mechanisms are similar in all steroid-secreting tissue (adrenal cortex, testis, ovary, and placenta).”[ii]
Hormonal steroids are synthesized from cholesterol in the body, it is essential to investigate what hormones are before introducing the topic of this paper: today’s uses of steroids.
Hormones are chemical messengers that go from one cell or cellular group to another. Although hormones are produced almost by every organ system and tissue type in any animal body, the well known animal hormones are produced by the endocrine glands of vertebrate. These are synthesized and secreted by the ductless glands of the endocrine systems in humans and animals. The hormone messengers are transported by the circulatory system to the target tissues where receptors interact with the messengers to cause the desired biological effect. The following quote describes the transportation of hormone molecules.
However, not all hormones are transported; some produce localized (paracrine) effect such as the hormones in the gastrointestinal tract. The function of hormones is to regulate the response of the body to the external and internal stimuli, the homeostasis, as well as controlling tissue development, morphogenesis, and reproduction.[iii]
However, it is not limited to these functions only.
Hormone effects vary widely, but can include stimulation or inhibition of growth, induction or suppression of apoptosis (programmed cell death), activation or inhibition of the immune system, regulating metabolism and preparation for a new activity (e.g., fighting, fleeing, mating) or phase of life (e.g., puberty, caring for offspring, menopause). In many cases, one hormone may regulate the production and release of other hormones. Many of the responses to hormone signals can be described as serving to regulate metabolic activity of an organ or tissue. Hormones also control the reproductive cycle of virtually all multi cellular organisms.[4]
The secretion of hormones is stimulated or inhibited as desired by the following:
- Other hormones (stimulating– or releasing-hormones)
- Plasma concentrations of ions or nutrients, as well as binding globulins
- Neurons and mental activity
- Environmental changes, e.g., of light or temperature.
The hormones of vertebrates are comprised in three chemical classes namely amine, peptide hormones and lipid and phospholipids. Steroids belong to this last chemical class. Steroid hormones derive from cholesterol and the eicosanoids. While testosterone and cortisol are examples of steroid hormones calcitriol is an example of sterol hormones. (Yesalis,2003)
Historically anabolic steroids have been known since 1930 when they were discovered. Since then they have been used for numerous medical purposes such as stimulation of bone growth, appetite, puberty and muscle growth. Today anabolic steroids are widely used for ‘chronic wasting conditions including cancer and AIDS.
“Anabolic steroids can produce numerous physiological effects including increased protein synthesis, muscle mass, strength, appetite and bone growth. Anabolic steroids have also been associated with numerous side effects when administered in excessive doses and these include elevated cholesterol (increase in LDL, decreased HDL levels), acne, elevated blood pressure, hepatotoxicity, and alterations in left ventricle morphology.”[iv]
The discovery of synthetic testosterone in 1930 was the beginning of using anabolic steroids for many purposes. This continued up to 1950s with success being sometimes positive and other times negative. Initially it was used for treatment of chronic wasting, which was the ailment of Nazi concentration camp prisoners. It is also reported that German scientists synthesized other anabolic steroids during World War II. Experiments were ran on prisoners and sometimes German soldiers. These experiments were in the hope of making their troops more aggressive.
Today there is intensive controversy surrounding the use of steroids due to the abuses reported and their purported side effects. The alarming part of steroid issues is the fact that there is “substantial amount of propaganda, junk science, and misconceptions concerning their use. Although anabolic steroids are controlled in USA, Canada and Britain, it is not controlled (by law) in other parts of the world and the needs for such measures seem to be urgent. (Yesalis, 2003)
The negative effects of steroids on behavior are a subject of some controversy. Much has been written in recent years about an association between steroid taking and violent rages. Where the absolute risk may be open to debate, most experts do agree that some individuals will have psychological problems as a result of taking steroids. It stands to reason that those who are better adjusted psychologically will have fewer consequences than those who are farther our on the behavior continuum, but nobody really knows who is at risk.
The special hazards faced by women who take steroids make it hard to comprehend the fact that this type of drug use in increasing among females. Because steroids are male sex hormones, their effect in women is to make them more like men, including deeper voices, unwanted facial hair, breast shrinking, and enlarged clitoris. However many female athletes have discovered that even a small amount of testosterone can make a big difference in sports performance. That may let some female athletes remain competitive at an age when the performance of other similarly talented competitors has declined. Or some may be able to advance to the next level of competition, something they were unable to do on their own. As women’s sports becoming more competitive and cash driven, the temptation for females to augment their power can be a very powerful motivator.
Who uses steroids? From where does information about users come, and how do we know that information is true? A currently popular myth holds that steroids were a fad drug. Drug testing cleaned the problem up, so the story goes, and now the only users are marginal athletes trying to hang on, or kids who are experimenting. This scenario is indeed a myth. There has been almost no decrease in the amount of steroids and other illegal performance enhancing drugs that are being used by athletes looking for strength and power.
The continuing interest in physical development makes it unlikely that steroids will fade away. Contemporary culture has elevated muscles to an art form, as evidence by motion picture ads and magazine covers. And entire genre of popular action films features film heroes with sculpted physiques and bulging muscles that they use to great effect. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the popular prototype of the action hero, readily admits using steroids to achieve the look during his body building days, explaining that “everyone did it” back then. Today, the United States has more than 1 million current or former users of anabolic steroids. More than 300,000 of them used steroids within the past year. Almost none of them were under medical supervision despite the known potential for negative short-term effects on physical and mental well-being. (Charles E. Yesalis, 1998)
Anabolic steroids do have uses as medical therapy, and they are prescribed for specific conditions. For example, they might be given to a weakened patient before or after surgery. Some hormonal problems can be corrected with steroids. They also have been tested successfully as a male contraceptive, and they are used routinely to fight the wasting associated with HIV and AIDS. There also seems to be a strong emerging trend toward using steroids as hormone replacement therapy in older men in much the same manner that estrogen is used for postmenopausal women.
How are steroid users counted? Until the late 1980s, very little data were available on who the users were. Most information was based on anecdotes, testimonials, and rumors. The true dimensions of the steroid problem in United States were not known. The picture has changed since then, and important information has been gathered through several national surveys conducted by researchers at academic institutions and government agencies. A 1988 study by William Buckley and Charles Yesalis was the first nationwide survey of anabolic steroid use amount teenage boys. It showed that approximately 7 % of high school seniors have used this type.
In 1985 Michigan state study by Anderson and McKeag showed that the heaviest steroid use (defined as having occurred within the past year) was among NCAA football players which are 9%. This figure does not seem unreasonable because many college players believe they are good enough to make the pros and view the economic promise of the NFL as a justification for their steroid use. 4 % of the make participant in track and field reported steroid use. Overall, 5 % of division 1 athlete, both make and female. 4 % of division II athletes and 2 % of Division III athletes had used steroids within the 12 months prior to the study.
Anderson and McKeag repeated their study during the 1988-89 academic year and found steroid use has increased slightly over the intervening four years. Although steroid use remained at 5 % for Division I athletes, the use among Division II athletes rose to 5 %, and Division III use went to 4 %. Again the highest incidence of reported steroid use was among football players i.e. 10 %. Steroid use remained at 4 % for men’s track and field events, but declined in baseball by 2% and in tennis 2 %.
In 1993, the Michigan State study was repeated once more. This time, a significant decline in steroid use was observed among make athletes, although football players continued to have the highest level of self reported use 5%. Female athletes however showed considerable increase in steroid use relative to the earlier two studies.
The most commonly cited reason for steroid use is improved athletic performance.
Anabolic steroids can be taken either by mouth, by injection, or, more recently by skin creams or patches. If an individual simple swallowed a dose of testosterone, however, it would be quickly inactivated by the process of metabolism and cleared from the body through the liver. Steroids that are taken orally have had their chemical structures altered to slow their removal from the body by the liver but more toxic to the liver. Steroids taken by intramuscular injection or skin application also have been chemically altered to slow their release into circulation.
As was stated earlier, anabolic steroids were adopted initially by athletes in power sports such as weight lifting and football to increase strength and muscularity. From the beginning, these athletes consistently reported that the drugs also reduced their recovery time between workouts. That meant that they were able to work out more frequently, for longer periods of time, and with greater intensity. These observations by athletes very likely played an important role in the diffusion of anabolic steroids among sprinters in a variety of sports and thereafter to endurance athletes.
The truth is that anabolic steroids work. That is to say those anabolic steroids, especially when used in conjunction with intense strength training, increase muscle mass and strength well beyond what can be achieved with training alone. Experts have suggested the following mechanisms to explain the performance enhancing effect of anabolic steroids.
- An increase in protein synthesis.
- Prevention of muscle tissue destruction caused by heavy work or exercise.
- The effects on the central nervous system and the neuro-muscular junctions.
- Increased aggressiveness
- The placebo effect.
In the normal way of things, two things can happen when athletes such as wrestlers, runners, or swimmers stress their bodies through training at high levels of intensity over prolonged periods. First, their natural production of testosterone can drop precipitously, often to levels as low as those of a castrated man. Second, the body responds by releasing another type of steroid called glucocortocoids, when are not anabolic (tissue building) but catabolic meaning that they break down muscle tissue. A popular theory holds that a visible sign of over training in muscle wasting.
Although the evidence is incomplete, scientists have speculated that anabolic steroids inhibit or block the catabolic effects of these glucocortocoids. If this theory is correct a runner could endure more miles of road work per week and consequently lower her times or a weight lifter could work out more often and do more sets and reps and achieve greater muscle and strength gains. Some experts have gone so far as to theorize that this ant catabolic mechanism may be the most important factor in untangling the performance effects of anabolic steroids. Beyond helping negate the muscle breakdown effects of glucocorticoids, anabolic steroids help replenish testosterone levels depleted by intense training. (Charles E. Yesalis, 1998)
The anabolic effect of steroids comes through increasing protein synthesis through their attachment to receptors in target tissues, which includes skeletal and heart muscle, skin, testes, prostate and various areas of the brain.
Athletes want the following things from steroids.
- Alteration of body composition (increased muscle mass and reduced fat).
- Increased strength
- Increased endurance
- Faster recovery from exercise. (So the athlete can perform longer, more frequent, or higher-intensity workouts).
- Enhanced athletic performance
The quick answer to the question about whether steroids “work” is yes, but that is just a short answer to a very complex question. Even though most of the athletic community accepts that steroids do enhance exercise capacity and performance, the extent to which these effects occur and the factors influencing such effects still is not clearly understood.
The two potential sources of information about steroid effects on performance and appearance are the scientific literature and the testimonials of users. The scientific literature includes studies of humans and animals that were performed according to generally accepted methods of scientific investigation. The problem is that results of these studies are inconsistent.
On the other hand, the testimonials from steroid users are highly consistent but all anecdotal reports are somewhat questionable. Generally researchers do not like to consider testimonials as data even though they may provide interesting scientific leads. Nevertheless ever though such reports do not replace a base of accurate information gained from well-designed scientific studies, the large amount of information obtained from the personal experiences of steroid users should not and cannot be ignored. Steroid users give themselves amount and combinations of drugs and no ethical scientific investigator could ever do, especially not to women and adolescents.
Anabolic steroid users believe that using the drugs in conjunction with training, will increase their lean boy mass and decrease their fat mass, whereas some researchers have reported no significant increase, others say there are increases. The reasons for these inconsistencies are in the study design and include factors such as how long the study lasted; the use of inexperienced subjects versus using trained athletes, steroid dosage and so on. The consensus of experts is that steroids and a diet that is adequate for building muscle can contribute to increase in muscle mass beyond what could be achieved from training along.
It is confusing to know that a doctor specialized in hormones warns young people from taking steroids to enhance athletic performance while he “he takes a derivative of testosterone himself as part of a regimen that he believes restores vitality in aging men and women.”[5]
His explanation is that when the hormone production is maintained in a healthy body giving more hormone is only overloading the body with that specific hormone, which leads to serious health and ethical issues. On the contrary “replacing hormones that are no longer produced naturally can lead to a healthier life.”[6]
According to Dr. Mintz:
“We are totally against the use of steroids to boost athletic performance. A 25-year-old athlete has no need for them. The price is too high. But we really need to understand the difference between abuse, for which I have no tolerance, and the appropriate use of sex hormones to maintain health. It gives you the power to have a healthy life in your later years. There’s a tremendous benefit if you go about it the right way. It’s very exciting medicine.”6
Anabolic steroids in sports refers to the “synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone.” While the class of drugs is steroids, androgenic refers to the products that promote masculine characteristics, and anabolic refers to the tissue building drugs. The slang terms for anabolic steroids in the streets include: arnolds, gym candy, pumpers, roids, stackers, weight trainers, and juice. [7]
Legitimately prescribed anabolic steroids for medical purposes are administered in a number of way including: intramuscular/subcutaneous injection, oral pills, pellet implantation under the skin and locally applied to the skin in forms of gel or patches. Of course the administrative routes can be used by abusers, but the most common ones are injections and oral administration. The abusers doses range from 1 to upwards of 100 times normal therapeutic does. It may also involve taking two steroids concurrently, a practice that is called ‘stacking’. The duration of use is also conventionalized as they alternate periods of high dose that extends from 6 to 16 weeks with low dose or no drug periods. This is referred to as ‘cycling’. In another mode called ‘pyramiding’ slowly escalate the use of the drugs either by increasing the number of drugs they use at one time and/or the dose of one or more drugs. But why do they do so.?
The following table includes examples of anabolic drugs abused; these the ones administered orally or as injections.
Figure 5
Oral Steroids | Inject able Steroids |
· Anadrol® (oxymetholone)
· Oxandrin® (oxandrolone) · Dianabol® (methandrostenolone) · Winstrol® (stanozolol) |
· Deca-Durabolin® (nandrolone decanoate)
· Durabolin® (nandrolone phenpropionate) · Depo-Testosterone® (testosterone cypionate) · Equipoise® (boldenone undecylenate) (veterinary product)® |
While the dangers of abusing steroids are very serious, young people in sports or at school are motivated by their belief that steroids help them to have a competitive advantage in sports and generally improve their physical performance.
The dangers of abusing steroids are many and are very serious. While the short term side effects are established, the long term ones have not been studied yet. Many of the side effects are irreversible, particularly in women. The following tables illustrate the undesirable physical changes of anabolic steroids.
Figure 6
For Guys | For Girls |
· Baldness
· Development of breasts · Painful erections · Shrinkage of testicles · Loss of function of testicles |
· Growth of facial and body hair
· Deepened voice · Breast reduction · Enlarged clitoris · Menstrual irregularities |
For Both |
· Acne
· Jaundice (yellowing of the skin) · Swelling – Fluid retention · Stunted growth (close the growth plates in the long bones and permanently stunt their growth) · Increase in bad cholesterol levels · Decrease in good cholesterol levels · Mood swings · Increase in feelings of hostility · Increase in aggressive behavior |
On the other hand sports authorities also have their own regulations. “The International Olympic Committee (IOC), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and many professional sports leagues (e.g. Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, National Football League (NFL), and National Hockey League) have banned the use of steroids by athletes, both because of their potential dangerous side effects and because they give the user an unfair advantage.”[9]
“The International Olympic Committee (IOC), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and many professional sports leagues (e.g. Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, National Football League (NFL), and National Hockey League) have banned the use of steroids by athletes, both because of their potential dangerous side effects and because they give the user an unfair advantage. The IOC, NCAA, and NFL have also banned the use of steroid precursors (e.g. Androstenedione) by athletes for the same reason steroids were banned. The IOC and professional sports leagues use urine testing to detect steroid use both in and out of competition.”[10]
The extent of the problem of abuse of steroids, which is indeed widespread and diverse, has been studied in the United States. According to the ‘Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Household Survey’ “1,084,000 Americans, or 0.5 percent of the adult population, said that they had used anabolic steroids. In the 18 to 34 age group, about 1 percent had ever used steroids.” While these figures are those of the general public, the survey among school-age children is also alarming.
Percent of Students Reporting Steroid Use 1991 – 2002
Year | Eighth grade | Tenth Grade | Twelfth Grade |
1991 | 1.9% | 1.8% | 2.1% |
1999 | 2.7% | 2.7% | 2.9% |
2002 | 2.5% | 3.5% | 4.0% |
Percent of Students Reporting Steroid Use in 2002
Student Steroid Use | Eighth grade | Tenth Grade | Twelfth Grade |
Past month use | 0.8% | 1.0% | 1.4% |
Past year use | 1.5% | 2.2% | 2.5% |
Lifetime use | 2.5% | 3.5% | 4.0% |
The classical technique for detecting use of anabolic steroid is ‘gas chromatographic mass spectrometry (GC/MS)’. It is the most reliable and valid technique for detecting anabolic steroid in urine. Recent technological advances have facilitated a more sensitive high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) which made it possible to detect the substance at much lower concentrations. Although the technique is not yet fully accepted by sports authorities.
Even though athletes have been using steroids for nearly half a century, we did not have reliable data on, who the users were until the late 1980s. Since that time, several studies have established a figure of approximately 1 million past or current steroid users in the United States. Because of these studies, we now know that more than half a million adolescents and preteens have experimented with steroids.
Because we know that younger kinds are trying steroids, any intervention to stop steroid use must begin early. When the youngest users are taking drugs because of concerns with body shape and size, they are more vulnerable in every way. Many individuals long for increased strength and power. They cannot expect, of course, to get the type of gains that are seen in conditioned athletes.
The observation of a link between the male sex organs and physical strength is age-old. However, it was not until the 1930s that scientists successfully synthesized testosterone. All anabolic steroids trace their origin to the primary male sex hormone, testosterone, but there are many different chemical formulations, and the list is long and still growing, to date, no one has been able to complete divorce the masculinizing element of steroids from the tissue-building element.
A common source of information about most drugs is physicians except in the case of anabolic steroids. Although physicians did prescribe steroids for athletes in the early days, they have not been a major source of supply for some time both because of their knowledge about negative health effects and because steroids are now state and federally regulated drugs.
Many athletes stopped using physicians as a source of steroid information in the 1960s and ‘70s when a disagreement about whether steroids were effective flared up after the first steroids studies showed contradictory results. Some studies reported strength and muscle gains; other did not. The lack of agreement led many physicians to believe steroids were not effective, and this position caused them to lose credibility with the sports community. Many athletes, by that time, had experienced gains in strength and muscle for themselves by using steroids.
Unlike some European countries, the United States has never had a government-sponsored steroid research program. However, East Germany under communism was noted for its highly developed drug-aided sports programs that were developed with the cooperation of government officials, physicians, researchers, coaches, and physical trainers.
Many researchers have been keenly interested in the association of steroids and other drugs with dietary supplements and special diets. Most steroids users are on special diets, usually ones containing high level of protein. In addition steroid users frequently take dietary supplements such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals, garlic, protein powders and creatine. Some use “steroid replacers”, (substances taken during the user’s off-steroids portion of the cycle) including chromium picolinate, glandular extracts, vanadyl sulfate, boron, DHEA and smilax. Anabolic steroids users commonly take other performance enhancing drugs such as human growth hormone, human chrionic gonadotropic (HCG), clenbuterol and moodaltering drugs including alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and tobacco. As on the perceived needs of the athlete. Male endurance athletes use steroids primarily for their alleged effect of lowering recuperation time between workouts, and they use dosages at or slightly below what the body normally produces, about 7 mg a day of testosterone. Although sprinters desire similar results, the strength and power requirements of their activity results in dosages that are approximately 1.5 to 2 times normal levels.
While the medical advances in uses of steroids will definitely be a breakthrough for many of the ailments of human beings, the use of steroids by athletes and young school-age children is a problem that should receive more attention from authorities and families. A report from “The Partnership for Drug Free America” offers some advice:
“Educate yourself and your kids about the dangers of steroids. Remind your child that taking steroids is a form of cheating — not only themselves, but their team, their sport and their bodies. Teach your young athlete how to refuse offers to try the drugs. You should encourage healthy habits such as proper nutrition, supervised strength training, and pre-season conditioning to help build their bodies without the use of drugs. If your teen is working out at a gym, be aware of who he or she is hanging out with — there may be seemingly harmless people pushing steroids. For girls who are using steroids to get thinner, it’s essential to make your daughter feel good about herself and develop a positive body image. Encourage healthy eating and exercise and remind her of the negative physical characteristics that steroid use can cause, which include masculine traits. Be aware of your child’s goals — as well as his or her insecurities, pressures and stress. While it’s important to push your child to excel, know that there’s a fine line between support and unrealistic expectations. Encourage your child to have interests beyond athletics so that if they lose a big game, match or tournament, she or he will have other activities and friends to turn to. Parents should harness the excitement of sports and competition while encouraging their teens to eat right, live right and play by the rules.”[11]
Work Cited
Charles E. Yesalis, Virginia S. Cowart, Human Kinetics, (1998).The steroids game
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Anderson, W., Albrecht, M., & McKeag, D. (1993). Second replication of a national study of substance use and abuse habits of college student-athletes. Final report. Overland Park, KS: National Collegiate Athletic Association.
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Davidson, Julian M. “steroid.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2007. Grolier Online. 28 Jan. 2007
Steroid From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
Hormones From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
Williams, John The Demonization of Anabolic Steroids I: What Makes These Hormones So Evil? Available at: Accessed on 28 January 2007
Anabolic Steroid from Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[1] Medical Dictionary of available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[2] Encyclopaedia Britannica Online available at: Accessed on 28 January 2007
[3] Science and Technology Encyclopaedia available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[4] Hormones From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[5] Strizak, Alan Marc. “sports medicine.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2007. Grolier Online. 28 Jan. 2007
[6] Dvorchak, Robert (October 2005) – Good uses for steroids overshadowed by bad – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[7] Anabolic Steroids – Hidden Dangers – Presented as a public service by: Drug Enforcement Administration Office of Diversion Control Washington, D.C. 20537 – available at: Accessed on 28 January 2007
[8] Dr. James Tolliver (Pharmacologist) (March 2004) – Steroid Abuse in Today’s Society – A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[9] Dr. James Tolliver (Pharmacologist) (March 2004) – Steroid Abuse in Today’s Society – A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[10] Dr. James Tolliver (Pharmacologist) (March 2004) – Steroid Abuse in Today’s Society – A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances available at: accessed on 28 January 2007
[11] Sports are Great for a Kid’s Body Steroids Aren’t from The Partnership for a Drug-free America, California Chapter available at: accessed on 29 January 2007